
c. 1980s

The image on this card is in grays, "silvers" and warm metallic colors. It features three "plastic micro-program cards."

c. 1980s

This card features an image of "memory selection transistors." At either end of the card are rows of small vertical metallic silver objects. In the center are red, yellow, white and black wires...

c. 1980s

This card features an image of an "alphanumeric display terminal," similar to a computer monitor. The background is light gray, the image is dark blue and black, with greenish lines of printing...

c. 1980s

This card has an image of two metallic silver cps on top of a black button. Fitting under each cap are clips with wires attached, two blue and one red clip per metallic silver cap. The image is...

c. 1980s

The background color of this card is a light olive green. The image features "wiring connected to memory." It appears to be a control panel with many small yellow colored wires coming from four...

c. 1980s

This card features the image of a "crossover cable" which is white, stretched between two ark brown (or black) clamps or holders.

c. 1980s

This card features a "micro instruction selection board" which is tan in color, with a series of small white circles moving across the card horizontally. The rest of the image is filled with "...

c. 1980s

This card features the image of a "computer tape library," metal shelves with rolls of tape stored on them.

c. 1980s

This card features the image of aa small control panel, "graphic display controls." The panel sits on a white surface, and is light in color (light, light gray with cream colored buttons, and one...

c. 1980s

This card has a white background, it has rows of wire with what appears to be small green beads on them. Red wire is in a looping pattern over the "beadd" wires. The image is called: Magnetic...

c. 1980s

This card has a serries of green grroves across the top. The the image drops to a control panel with four rectangular buttons, white, red, white and cream color. In fron of the buttons are three...

c. 1980s

This card features the keyboard used in typewriters and computers, showing three rows of letters. The top row reads (left to right): R, T, Y, U, I. 2nd row: F, G, H, J, K. 3rd row: C, V, B, N...

c. 1980s

This card has large cream colored buttons (whole, or portions of 6 of these) with letters and numbers stamped on them. The rest of the image is brown with a series of metallic silver dots. The...

c. 1980s

This card has an out-of-focus background, with a black disk with slits around the edge (similar to gears). The description of this image is: "Disk arm positioning wheel."

c. 1980s

This card features a gray keyboard with white letters---Western European letters and Japanese letters.

c. 1980s

This card has the image of a series of smooth, brass pins standing up with many ivory colored wires wrapped around some pins and passing between other pins. The image is called: "wire wrapped pin...

c. 1980s

This card is printed in the vertical format. The image is white, with a black keyboard (with white letters and numbers). It is described as and "optical reader keyboard."

c. 1980s

This card has a gray background,black lines along the two longer edges, and one going across, with a red button that reads: "Emergency Pull." (This is called the Power Disconnect button.)

c. 1980s

The image on this card has an out of focus background with three metallic silver colored circles with a lever in them, and three levers with no circles. The images is described as: "tips of...

c. 1980s

This card has what appears to be the printer ball from an IBM selectric typewriter printed on it. A metal ball with various letters in bas relief, a black top, with a small white arrow and the...

c. 1980s

The image on this card looks like a type of cross. In truth, it is "connecting cables."

c. 1980s

This card has a dark background, prbably navy blue, over which are fine light blue lines, and two small, white dotted circles. The image is called: "computer drawn dynamic blueprint."

c. 1980s

This card has an ocher background with a series of metallic silver ridges and dots. The image is described as: "circuit board connections."


This card has a pink and blue section at the top, with a white section on the proper left side. There are many yellow wires at the bottom. The image on this card is called a voltage distribution...

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