
Empower Your Life
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has purple, black and gold color ink printed on white paper with a gold color border. At the top is "Empower / Your Life" in purple. Below the title is a circle filled with triangles. To...

Transcendental Meditation
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has brown ink printed on beige paper. At the top is "Transcendental / Meditation" followed by a headshot of a man with long hair and a beard. Below the image is "of / Maharishi Mahesh Yogi...

World Summit for Children

Poster printed on white paper. At the center is a black background with "World Summit / For / Children" in yellow, white, green, blue and pink boxes. Around the interior edges of the black is "...

Sealaska Corporation

Top of poster has a color photo of a black textile with red borders and a stylized white Native American bird design draped over what appears to be the shape of a human figure. The belly of the...

circa 1968

Poster has a central stylized black and white image of a man cowering as a fist comes at his head from the top left. At the top is "Meeting" and through the central image is "...


Poster has an image of a black tree and plants on the bank of a body of water. The water is black with everything in it being white, reverse of the above water scene. Int he water are more plants...

Team WashPIRG
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Top of poster has a yellow and black image of hands piled on top of each other - a view from the bottom of the stack. Two sets of orange and black lines move diagonally from the top left to the...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Top of poster has a yellow and black image of hands piled on top of each other - a view from the bottom of the stack. Two sets of orange and black lines move diagonally from the top left to the...

Team WashPIRG
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Top of poster has a yellow and black image of hands piled on top of each other - a view from the bottom of the stack. Two sets of orange and black lines move diagonally from the top left to the...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Top of poster has a stylized black and white image of a man completely inverted with his head burrind in the sand. In the orange sky above the man is "Hey, Isn''t It About / Time To Find A New /...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a central stylized image of a red can with an American flag at the bottom. Above the flag is "100% / public interest / Whup-Ass" in blue and white. In an explosion shape over the flag...

Snap Out of It
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a red background at the top with a yellow spiral. At the center of the spiral is the face of a man with red eyes. In the sprial is "you are feeling apathetic the environment is doing...

Safe jobs! Safe communities!

Poster has a tan background with red text at the top and black at the bottom, above and below a black and white photograph of a decaying swing set in front of a factory. Across the top is "safe...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster has a black and white image of a man and a woman standing on a van''s bumper. They are both shirtless, the man has floral pants, and the woman has an American Flag tied around her head...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster has a white background with a black and white image of a water bottle against an outlined blue background in the top 2/3 of the page. Text on the water bottle reads "fresh / Air" and...

Endangered species campaign

Poster has black printed ink and handwritten red marker on yellow paper. At the top is "join the / endangered / species / campaign" follwoed by a stylized image of a group of endangered species -...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black and yellow ink printed on white paper. At the top of the poster is a stylized image of a figure in a HAZMAT-like suit standing in front of a foggy city holding a sign reading "...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a white background with color image at the top showing a black expanse with white dots and planet Earth at the left. A white line extends from the planet leading to ":hello, 911?" in...

The Long Memory
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is an image of Saddam Hussein and Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands. There are other men around them. At the lower right is white text that reads: Donald...


Poster is printed on yellow paper with black text and images. Poster is a notice for a city hall meeting. At the top left is an outline of a home. At the right and over the image is bold text...

The Reuther Brothers

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images related to the Labor Movement. In the foreground are three men in suites (the Reuther brothers), there are groups of protesters, a...


Poster is printed on white paper. Poster depicts a scene of a group of men celebrating. The two men in the middle are holding up a gavel together. The group is standing in front of a table with a...

Organizing Committee
c. 1990

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a colored drawing of a council meeting. The image depicts a group of people sitting in chairs with their backs to the viewer. The group is focused on a...

The Declaration Of Independence
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has an image of a man in green standing at the head of the table, holding a document and looking at a group of men at the other end of the table, all of which are in 18th century clothing....

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