Political Posters

The “All Of Us Or None” (AOUON) archive project was started by Free Speech Movement activist Michael Rossman in 1977 to gather and document posters of modern progressive movements in the United States. Though some early works are included, its focus is on the domestic political poster renaissance that began in 1965 and continues to this day. When Rossman died May 12, 2008 his family donated the collection to the Oakland Museum of California. More …

The Archive gathered posters from all streams of progressive activity — from movements of protest, liberation, and affirmative action, trade union and community struggles, to electoral and environmental organizing, community services, and visionary manifestos. It is strongest in work from the San Francisco Bay Area, but its scope is national: approximately one-quarter of its holdings come from out of state, primarily New York City, Boston, Chicago, and Washington, D.C. These are complemented by a representation of international work. The collection consists of approximately 24,500 distinct titles.

The collection includes examples from well-known graphic artists including Malaquías Montoya, Emory Douglas, Rachael Romero, Rupert Garcia, Yolanda Lopez, Favianna Rodriguez, Carlos Cortez, Nancy Hom, Juan Fuentes, and Jos Sances, as well as material from seminal collective workshops such as La Raza Silkscreen, the Royal Chicano Air Force, Japantown Art and Media, Kearny Street Workshop, and Inkworks Press. Perhaps more important, the depth and breadth of the collection reveals the contribution of numerous lesser known or even anonymous artists whose cumulative impact on this democratic public art form has yet to be properly understood. 

The cataloging of the AOUON Archive was made possible by a generous grant from the Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation.


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circa 1980

Poster printed on white paper. At the top is "con la solidaridad internacional: / Queremos / El Apoyo Mundial, / Queremos / Aprender A Leer / Y Escribir" in black and blue. At the...

I Festival Internacional de Libro

Poster has black printed edges at the left, bottom, and right, enclosing a blue background with a white and orange line border meant to make the poster look like an open book. At the top of the...

circa 1980

Poster printed on white paper. At the center are black and white illustrations of human figures of various ages, all looking off to the left or right. At the top and bottom of the poster is...

Educacion Popular Basica De Adultos
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a yellow printed background. At the top is "en nuestra revolucion / los obreros seguiremos / conociendo la realidad / analizando la realidad / transformando la realidad" in black and...

Basta De Intolerancia Y Discriminacion

Top of poster has a nine by four grid of black and white protraits of men and women. Centered at the top of the grid is "Basta / De Intolerencia / Y Discriminacion" in pink. The bottom of the...

Nicaragua Ha Vuelto A Ser Republica
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster printed on white paper with a blue border. At the top is a black and white photo fo a crowd shouting. Below the image is "Nicaragua Ha Vuelto / A Ser Republica" in blue and "Jornada De La...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white background photo of a smiling figure. At the bottom of the poster is "En El 8 De Marzo / Dignas, Valientes, Decididas / En La Lucha Por La Paz / AMNLAE." in red.

En Cada Rincon Liberado Un Nica Alfabetizado!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has white unprinted edges enclosing a stylized color image of a view down a dirt road of a street, with people milling about and grafitti on the exterior of the buildings. At the top of the...

Todas Las Armas Al Pueblo!

Poster has a gray printed background with a central red and black shaded image of a figure in a cowboy hat. Over the body is a white dove with blue and green shaded images of figures holding up...

Enfrentaremos La Intervencion Hasta Vencer!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white background photo fo the back sides of two men, as they get close to the ground and aim a gun into the distance. At the top is "Por La Defensa De La Soberania / Y La...

Yo Estoy Al Servicio De Las Organizaciones Del Pueblo

Poster has white unprinted edges. At the top is a stylized image of a red face floating above a mountain with people on it and a banner reading "Mons. Romero / Profeta Y Martit / De America Latina...


Poster has a yellow printed background. At the right is a stylized image of a man in boots and a cowboy hat, leaning on a surface with his right hand, which also holds a cigarette. At the top...

Licenciada Marianella Garcia Villas

Poster has a yellow printed background with a central vertical strip of white. At the top center is a black and white photo of a young woman. Below the image is "Licenciada Marianella / Garcia...

El Salvador: El Pueblo Vencera
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top of the poster are strips of film, showing child soldiers. At the bottom of the poster is "The Film Institute of El Salvador / presents / El...

Alto A La Represion Contra La Poblacion Civil

Poster has a yellow background with a central stylized image of brown and green fields of crops with a green helicopter and soldiers and black and yellow images of people shouting and holding up...

Votar Es Facil
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has multicolor cartoon images arranged in a comic-strip like grid with instructions on voting. At the top left, a figure says "Votar / Es Facil!" At the top right is "Vamos Todos / A Votar...

Los Ninos Y Las Minas Del FMLN

Poster has a purple printed background. At the top is "Los Minos Y Las Minas Del FMLN" in red. At the left is a stylized color illustration of two sets of legs - one with two smiling feet and one...

54 Anos Con El Pueblo
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a blue printed background. At the center is a red outline of a star filled with a black and white image of people protesting. Surrounding the star is a repeated, stylized black and...

Monsenor Oscar Arnulfo Romero
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has white unprinted edges enclosing a yellow and red background with a black and white illustration of a priest. At the bottom of the image, a yellow goblet is tipped over, spilling red...

A Defender La Patria

Poster has a brown printed background with a black and white image of a soldier crouching int eh grass holding a gun, with strips of red, white and blue waving behind him. At the top left is "A...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black and white photo of a child looking at the camera as his/her mother holds him/her and laughs toward''s his/her face. At the bottom left is "No more U.S. war aid to El Salvador"...

Quien Puede Negarlo?
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a black printed background. At the top is "?Quien Puede Negarlo?" in white followed by two black and white images of a man - one of the man in sunglasses and a hat walking in front fo a...

Combatir Hasta Vencer Por La Revolucion Y La Paz

Poster has a red printed background with a central stylized outline of El Salvador, filled with a yellow and black image of people firing guns. At the top right is "Combatir Hasta Vencer / Por La...

Vivos Los Queremos!
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a gray printed background. At the top is "...vivos los queremos! / por la libertad, la justicia y / la paz en El Salvador!" in red, followed by a black and white close up photo of a...

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