
Written on the back: nothing

Written on the back: nothing


The image shows a mixed group of male and female students standing around Sather Gate on a sunny day.

Written on the back: Sacramento Northern

Written on the back: nothing

Written on the back: nothing

Written on the back: Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig on Barnstorming our. Mt. Shasta team host.

Written on the back: Almaden

c. 1855

Appears to be a copy print from an 1850s original, perhaps a daguerreotype or salt print (DHJ).

Written on the back: Almaden quicksilver

Opening of the Oakland San Leandro and Hayward Electric Railway. Written on the back: street cars: Oakland, San Leandro & Haywards

Written on the back: nothing

Written on the front: Muir Woods Calif.

Written on the front: Muir Woods Calif.

Written on the front: Old Cabin Muir Woods, Calif.

Written on the back: Almaden; Almaden quicksilver mine

The image shows the Oakland skyline at night, from the far side of Lake Merritt, showing the Tribune Tower and downtown Oakland.

Written on the back: nothing

Written on the back: Muir Woods 1912

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