comic book


Sub-title: "Fire and Ice" Tay Ninh, battle in city, AWOL man killed by VC while with his lover.

Cover: Soldier and girlfriend reading a comic book- in bed- and a VC soldier sneaking in...


Sub-title: "Bunker Line" R& R, Love, Night watch (in the Bunkers), setting boarders, AWOL

Cover: Man in bunker, on watch , with barbed wire, gun and sand bags. THe Marvel signage is in...


Sub-title: "Three Day Pass" in reference to three-days leave, spent in Saigon with women, gambling and real sheets!

Cover: Photograph on fire, keys and the Saigon Soire- maybe a program for...


Sub-title: "War & 'Peace'" R& R, Paris Peace Talks, RFK assasination, ARVN/US troop relationships, Dr.Spok/Draft dodgers hearings in MA

Cover: Heavy artillery/tank with troops...


Sub-title: "The Boarder Line" Invading Cambodia


Sub-title: "Like a Candle In the Wind" Violence and casualties mounting.

Cover: Fire-fight in a jungle, the river is red with a lot of casualties, and depictes a lot of confusion. The...


Sub-title: "Auld Acquaintance" This issue covers home- paticularly Colombia University, and the media-coverage (questions its validity, and its role in the war) shows the Phillipenes, more...


Sub-title: "Hue: City of Death" in reference to the Tet Offensive, and the bloody battle in Hue.

Cover: VC behind barbbed-wire and a piece of American equipment, looking very devious. The...


Sub-title: "Beginning of the End" TET offensive, tv cameras taping it, attack on the American Embassy

Cover: VC/ARVN (?) troop excecuting an unkown mad (can only see his hand-cuffed hands...


Sub-title: "Blue Christmas" Deals with lonliness, and making/loosing friends

Cover: Blonde Christmas Show- A blonde woman in the spotlight with little on excpet a mini-dress and Santa hat...


Sub-title: "Milk Run" Air fighters brought into the story.

Cover: Air fight- two jets, one, is hit.


Sub-title: "Dust-Off" in refrence to intense fire fight depicted in issue, and hurried helicopter pick-up (glossary in back of the comic).

Cover: Two soldiers using heavy artilery in what...


Sub-title: "Dominoes" refering to the Dominoe theory of loosing Vietnam to the communists will cause the rest of Asia to follow.

Cover: African-American soldier being medi-vaced from battle...


Sub-title: "Do not forsake Me" This issue is about the medical ward, and the trauma nurses had to cope with.

Cover: Shows bunker being bombed, soldier falling down and the nurse runnig...


Sub-title: "Thanks for Thanksgiving" Depictes the VC is tunnels waiting for US troops to leave, and once they are gone gathering anything they left behind

Cover: Us Soldiers standing above...


Sub-title: "...And A Wakeup" this issue refers to going home, and a lot about NAPALM being dropped on troops.

Cover: Troops exiting Hueys (3 copters) lots of guns. The Marvel singage is...


Sub-title: "Fatigue Duty" Invasion of a village, orphans, re-upping.

Cover: Shows troops humping the boonies, one soldier facing rear with a big gun, and a VC throwing a hand grenade at...


Sub-title: Notes From the World- previous character who has returned home telling of the anti-war movement, his 'welcome' home, and the problems vets were having adjusting.

Cover: One of...

Mrch 1988

Cover: US Soldier being taken prisoner by two VC's in blck pajamas, with guns. The Marvel signage is in the upper left, and there is b & w spiderman mask in the loewr left.


Sub-title: "Back in the Boonies" In-country, humping, fill-in soldiers, new and re-upped.

Cover: Shows four smaller soldiers "humping" with a large face of their leader in the background....


Subtitle: "The Bombs Bursting"


Subtitle: "'Nam: the first patrol" this issue deals with boot camp, saying goodbye to your family, and adjusting to the confussion of Vietnam.

Cover: The Marvel title is in the upper left...


Sub-title: "Guerrilla Action" Self-explanitory, soldiers not expecting attack, an attack comes during a celebration day in South Vietnam., this issue also shows Americans giving kids Hershey bars...


Sub-title: "Tis the Season" this issue deals with more holiday attacks, Christmas shows, guerilla warfare and even alludes to both the Tet Offensive and how horrific 1968 was.

Cover: Three...

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