

Depiction: A large number of students gather on the front lawn in front of UC Berkeley Chancellor Heyns' ivy-covered home. A student has climbed a pine tree and watches from its branches.


Depiction: Picture is of a single helicopter releasing gas over Sproul Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. It is spreading a white streak through a dark sky.


Depiction: A man in black glasses and a white shirt attempts to sneak out of bushes and trees and onto the grounds of UC Berkeley Chancellor Heyns's home. He is surrounded by armed National...


Depiction: Students protest by staging a sit in along the street at Ashby and Elmwood. They sit on a small stretch of grass as cars go by. Behind them are thick trees. They sit and stand quietly...


Depiction: Univeristy Avenue sidewalks in Berkeley are lined with people. National Guard and police stand in two rows across the street and are dressed in riot gear and holding weapons. Both...


Depiction: A single gas canister sits on the ground in front of Sproul Hall. The courtyard has been deserted by protestors and is surprisingly calm. It is a close up shot of the cement walkway,...


Photo depicts: A police officer takes notes at the Crocker-Anglo Bank in Berkeley after a rock was thrown through a large window. The policeman stands in a conference room where the rock sits on...


Depiction: Men and women are sitting outside a Planned Parenthood building in Fremont. One man is being arrested. He is drug by two police officers, one of which is holding him under the jaw....


Photo depicts: National Army troops move diners away from the sidwalk tables at Kentucky Beef with pointed rifles.


Photo depicts: Over one dozen National Guard soldiers are lined up behind a short cement wall facing a group of students in the ASUC building patio. The soldiers are pointing their guns at the...


Photo depicts: A long line of National Guard soldiers stand with rifles pointed at a crowd of students on the UC Berkeley campus at the ASUC building.


Photo depicts: Fifty or more National Guard troops walk in a line to force a large crowd of students to clear out of a UC Berkeley square. One young soldier has grabbed a male student as he tried...


Photo depicts: Fifty or more National Guard troops walk in a line to force a large crowd of students to clear out of a UC Berkeley square. One young soldier has grabbed a male student as he tried...


Photo depicts: Photo is taken from the passenger seat of a militay jeep. It looks out onto three soldiers holding rifles and facing a laughing crowd of students. Notes on back of photo says the...


Depiction: Two senior citizen women with white hair stand beside a large banner which has a peace dove on it and some unreadable words. One woman is wearing a sign around her neck which reads: No...


Depiction: Men and women are walking holding signs and carrying an effigy in support of abortion rights. One sign reads "Our bodies. Our lives. Our right to choose." It is nighttime. Photo caption...


Police remove protesters from the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center and place them under arrest in a police paddy wagon.


Oakland police officers arrest a protester lying prostrate on the ground.


Protesters including Joan Baez block the entrance to the Armed Services Induction Center on Clay Street, Oakland.


Two Oakland police officers drag a protester to be arrested.


Oakland police officers fill up a paddy wagon with arrested demonstrators. Protesters block the entrance to the Armed Services Induction Center. Protesters in the background hold up signs, one...


Oakland police officers fill up a paddy wagon with arrested demonstrators.


A group of Oakland police officers subdue some anti-war protesters. One officer appears to get a choke-hold on one protester.


Photo depicts: A young white man is being led away by police in riot gear and wearing gas masks. The boy has long hair covering his eyes and is not wearing a shirt. He has a cut on his right...

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