

Photo depicts: A young man in a leather jacket is throwing rocks. A woman and naother man stand behind him in Sproul Square according to notes on the photo. Unclear what he's throwing the rock at...


Buses unload employees(?) at the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center amid throngs of protesters.


Buses unload employees(?) at the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center amid throngs of protesters.


Buses unload employees(?) at the Oakland Armed Services Induction Center amid throngs of protesters.


Photo depicts: A group of young men and women sitting on an office floor. They are bundled in jackets and holding balloons.


Photo depicts: A man is being drug away by two police officers. It is night time and it is rainy outside. A man shines a spotlight onto the protestor in order to help police.


Photo depicts: A man in a black leather jacket is signing papers at the table of the Campus Women for Peace at UC Berkeley. Three women sit at the table. Behind them, a crowd has its attention...


Photo depicts: A window has been shattered and large pieces of glass have fallen onto a store's front window display alongside a basket of fake fruit and some fake flowers. There is a sign by the...


Photo depicts: The window of Berkeley's Western Title Guaranty Company has been broken out in two places. The business name is printed in gold and black letters on the window and is now missing...


Photo depicts: The front window of the Campus Florist in Berkeley has been smashed by protestors leaving a large hole in the glass pane. Large pieces of glass lie along the sidewalk under the...


Caption on back reads, "Police woman in forground [sic]/Girl is lead away to wagon." A plainclothes female police officer helps another officer escort a female protester away from the Oakland...


Depiction: Five men stand at a mass trial. Perhaps they are being addressed by a judge as they are all looking forward. One man has his arms around the shoulders of the other men. Two men in suits...


Depiction: Close up of an older woman with gray hair sits in a wood chair at a mass trial for Lawrence Livermore Lab. She is holding a rose in one hand and filling out a form with the other. A row...


Depiction: According to the photo caption, this is a rally at Lakeside Park. A young white man stands on the back of a flatbed truck and talks into a microphone. Behind him are banners which read...


Depiction: According to the photo notes, this is a rally at Lakeside Park. A large crowd sits on a grassy hill. Some hold signs reading "Bring 'em back alive," Up against the wall Nixon," and "No...


Depiction: A large room is packed with people in fold-up chairs. Photo notes say it is a mass trial of nuclear weapons protestors. Photo caption reads: Jury panelists (foreground) share a...


Photo depicts: Two police officers crouch in the corner of a building's entrance where one is talking to and holding the arm of another. Both are wearing gas masks and bulletproof vests. A young...


Photo depicts: A young African-American man stands at the forefront of a crowd, hurdling a gas canister back at police. One man standsbeside him with a gas mask on. A crowd of young men are...

Jan. 15, 1991

Photograph of Berkeley High School female students sitting on ground, one is African American, one is Latino. An African American male student is also seated next to them. The are clapping and...

Jan. 15, 1991

Photograph of Berkeley High School female student speaking into a microphone, and another female student holding a bullhorn. Reporters and other media people are in the crowd. Large multi-ethnic...

Jan. 15, 1991

Photograph of Berkeley High School students holding peace signs, with raised arms, indicating peace symbol with their fingers. Multi-ethnic group of students, African American, Asian American,...


An attractive blonde woman looks into the camera as she chants at a rally. She is a holding a large square sign reading "No Nukes." Photo is a close up of her, but a crowd can be seen behind her....


Depiction: A man and woman can be seen in the disctance hanging their laundry on clotheslines which stretch in front of a a long row of tents. A mountain is behind them and a roll of barbed wire...


Depiction: Anti-nuclear weapons protestors assist in carrying a float in the shape of a giant blue whale down a street during a protest march. The whale has the words "Save the humans" on top of...

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