

Written on the back: Campus 1913

(Possibly Fort Ross)

Written on the back: Lafayette after they moved from Oakland, mid-1950s

Written on the back: Santa Cruz; Written on the front: The beach at Santa Cruz is easy of access by train & motor from Wildwood

Written on the back: Lake Merritt Ducks Probably Eric Swenson photo

Written on the back: SF from Sausalito

1939 world's fair?

Written on the back: State Health Building, Berkeley, Calif.

Written on the back: State Health Building, Berkeley Calif.

Written on the back: Mine near Mr. Diablo; coal mine

Written on the back: Pac. C. Eng. Alameda Giles Neg

Written on the back: Pac. C. Eng. Alameda Giles Neg

Written on the back: Berkeley Albany Oakland

Written on the back: Nixon at Hotel Shattuck... "Tommy" Neilsen(?) & T. Caldecott

Written on the back: slide on freeway east of Caldecott tunnel

The image shows the Acheson Hotel, in Berkeley decorated with trees and bunting, with men and women standing out front, as well as on the second level balcony.

The image shows the San Francisco Ferry Building with one Ferry at the dock, and another dock open. The Ferry clock and Pier 57 are in the background.

Written on the back: Earl Warren

The image shows Judge Traynor sitting at a desk, in a law library/office, reviewing papers, and smoking a pipe.

Written on the back: Mt. Lassen 1914

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