latin america

Encuentro del canto popular

Poster has an unprinted white border overall. The top of the poster is yellow with a small a small pink stylized drawing of a long haired figure playing a flute with North and South America and...


Poster is printed on white paper with text and images in gray and red. Poster is printed with a stylized drawing of four silhouetted figures standing in front of a large red sun. The figures are...

Stop U.S. Intervention In Central America And The Carribean
after 1982

Poster is printed on white paper with text and images in black. The upper left corner of the poster has the text: "Nov. 12 / March On / Wash., D.C." The top of the poster has two black and white...

No U.S. Intervention In El Salvador

The top of the poster has a stylized map of southern North America, Central America, and northern South America, in red, black, and teal. Just below Central America is an enlarged drawing of El...

A Benefit For Haiti:Klub Komotion
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster has an offwhite border. The left side of the poster has a half profile of a man or a woman. The right side of the poster has "A Benefit For Haiti / Klub / Komotion / Featuring / Ethnic Jazz...

No U.S. Intervention In El Salvador

The top of the poster has a stylized map of southern North America, Central America, and northern South America, in red, black, and blue. Just below Central America is an enlarged drawing of El...

First National Conference Of Solidarity With The People Of Guatemala

Poster is black,red,and green screen print on offwhite paper. Top of poster has "First National Conference Of Solidarity With The People Of Guatemala" printed in black and red. Middle right of...

Elvia:The Fight For Land And Liberty In Honduras
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster has "Elvia" printed in large pink and orange letters at the top. Middle of poster has an image of a female farmer overlooking a group of farm workers in a field. Underneath this...

No More!

Poster has a white background with red and black text. In the center, in the background, is an image of an empty coffin with the American flag on the side. Poster reads, "No More!/ No Vietnam War...

circa 1982

Poster has a white background with light blue and red text. Main image is of the Holy Family made up of St. Mary, St. Joseph, and Baby Jesus Christ, standing in front of a wall with soldiers...

Segundo Congreso Continental De Estudio Y Asamblea Plenaria

Poster has a blue background with black text. Main image is of a dove with a red eye whose wing forms a hand trying to stop a line of bullets on the left side of the poster. Next to the dove's...

No War In Central America
c. 1988

Poster has a gray background with red and black text. In the center is a black and white photograph of a homeless person resting his/her head on a box. The person is barefoot and is sitting on the...

Hands Off Central America
c. 1985

Poster has a black background with red text. In the center is a painting of three men. Poster reads, "Hands Off Central America." Along the right edge of the painting text reads, "Visual Arts...


Poster has a black background with red text. Main image is a black and white photograph of a man looking out of a window and a woman holding a child in front of the building. The words, "Celebrate...

Resist The Warmakers
c. 1985

Poster has a teal and brown background with brown text. Main image is of a United States general wearing glasses that have pictures of people protesting in the lenses; the right lens has an image...

Grenada 1980 Year of Education & Production

Black and white poster has a collage of photographs in a circle at center that show children, adults, a landscape with trees and large rocks, and shelving with hanging corn cobs and mugs. The...

What Your Taxes Buy In Central America: Don't Say You Never Knew
c. 1989

Poster has a black and white background with red and white text. Upper half of the poster has a photograph of a child holding part of a machine or weapon. Poster reads, "What your taxes buy in...

CAMP: Central-American-Mission-Partners

Poster has a blue background with black text. Main image is of a green arm holding a lit candle. At the top is the title CAMP that has a window onto a landcape of mountains, fields with corn and...

Crisis In Health: Central America And The U.S.

Poster has a pink and yellow background with white and blue text. To the left is an image of a staff with an eagle at the top and a green snake wrapped around it. Poster reads, "Crisis In Health:...

Carter And Human Rights In Latin America: Myth Vs. Reality
c. 1977

Poster has a white background with dark green text. In the center of the top half of the poster is an image of Hugo Blanco with a quote by Che Guevara that reads, "Hugo Blanco set an example...a...

Gore: Oxy Out Of U'wa Land!

Poster has a black background with red and white text. To the right are red and black images of people protesting and of Al Gore n front of an Oxy symbol. Poster title reads, "Gore: Oxy out of U'...

Ocho Mujerers En Las Artes Plasticas

Poster has a white background with black text. At the top is an image of artwork that has an infinity design at the center with names along the path: Gamez, Boleyn-Contreras, Guerrero, Zerpa,...

John Trudell

Poster has a black and white background with white text. In the upper half of the poster is an image of people marching with a sign that reads, "El Territorio Uwa Es Sagrado," and another image of...

Argentina '78

Poster has a white background with black and blue text. In the center is an image of a person, with only his/her head and hands visible, holding onto blue bars. Poster reads, "Argentina '78/ Sede...

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