community struggle

Fork The System

Poster has an unprinted white border all around enclosing black ink. Across the top is "Komotion In Exile Proudly Co-Presents / A Benefit For / Food Not Bombs / Fork / The / System / Tonight"....

Strike Out Violence

Poster has an unprinted white border all around enclosing a background image of a bird''s eye view of a baseball field, with the stands blurred. At the top of the poster is "Sheriff Michael...

Direct action in democracy

Poster has a thin blue border all around with red below and above at the top and bottom. Centered on the poster is a reproduction of a colored pencil drawing showing a group of police officers...

Swing into Spring
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has red and purple ink printed on white paper. At the top right and down the left side are boxes of ethnic graphics/symbols. Below the box at the top right is "swing / into / spring" in...

untitled (figure in a helmet with a pig snout for a nose)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster is white paper with a central red image of a figure in a police-like helmet with a clear protective face cover. The figure''s nose is a pig snout.

The Progressive Way
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Starting at the top, the poster has 12 black and white photos (four columns/three rows) of influential activists - (from left to right, top to bottom) Leonard Peltier, Roberta Blackgoat, Philp...

Health Care
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a red printed background with "Single Payer" and the top in white followed by "Health / Care" in yellow. All text has a green shadow effect. At the bottom left is a white, green and red...

circa 1991

Poster has black ink printed on white paper. At the top is "March Against / Police Violence / and presentation of our demands to the Berkeley Police Review Commission" with "...

14th Anniversary Concert

Poster has a thin black border all around. Text and images are black. At the top of the poster is Berkeley Free Clinic / 14th Anniversary Concert / Friday" followed by a fist with a winged serpent...

Stomp the Right Wing
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on green paper. Down the left side is "Stomp / the / Right / Wing / at the / Ballot / Box" followed by a graphic of Rich Uncle Pennybags. Starting at the top right is...

UC Students of Color Conference
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has an unprinted white border all around enclosing black ink on white paper. At the top is a spiral of black and white with a fist emerging at the right. The fingerson the fist read "R-I-S-...

Changing the culture
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has an unprinted white border enclosing six sections of text, with each sections having black borders. At the top left is a small pink box with an orange circle and a black star. To the...

Learning to Teach

Poster has a red background with white text and images. At the top right is "Learning / To / Teach". On the left side is a stylized illustration of a male figure in glasses holding masks in his...

And the day came
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has an unprinted white border all around enclosing a blue background with white text. At the top of the poster are four images of an orange flower blossoming, positioned vertically. Below...


Poster has black text printed on white paper. At the top is "Kennedy / The First Year, A Critical Appraisal". Center of the poster has two columns of text. Down the left are four sections with...

untitled (grafitti symbols)
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a gray background of grafitti style words. Vertically down the center of the poster are three black and white symbols.

America Needs A Recharge
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a gray background with black text and a central vertically oriented stylized battery, shaded like an American flag. At the top is "America" and at the bottom is "Needs A Recharge"...

ASUCD Experimental College
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black ink printed on yellow paper and shows a stylized image of a group of women standing on the roof of a castle while another woman in armor approaches from a forest. On the castle is...

Community Health Fair
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has an unprinted yellow border on the left, right and top edges with a subsequent black border that has curved corners on the inside. At the top left is "Chico Neighborhood Helath Center /...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a copy of a sketch showing a family looking out of a window in a wood-panelled structure. Across the bottom is "we need something special in Appalachia. you." followed by the VISTA/...

Jim Kornibe
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has an unprinted white border followed by a think double line black border enclosing black ink printed on white paper. Centered on the poster is a stylized image of a man''s face in a...

Mother Power
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a thin unprinted white border all around with a subsequent thick blue border with red text. At the center is a white background with red text. Text in the blue reads "National" at the...

We Care for Children
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has a printed, thick blue border all around with a white background at the center. In the border is white text - "National" at the top, "Welfare" at the left, "Rights" at the right and "...


Poster shaped like a trapezod with parallel sides at the top and bottom, a 90 degree edge at the left and an angled edge at the right. The left edge is green with "Respond" printed in white...

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