community struggle

Stop Economic Violence!

This poster includes a black and white illustration of a woman planting a tree in the center of the page. The woman has an anarchy symbol on her arm. "Stop Economic Violence!" is printed in white...

No to WTO

This horizontally-oriented poster features very large text reading "No to WTO!" spanning the top of the page. A black rectangle fills the center of the page. Text in the rectangle explains the...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster is yellow with a faint image of an explosion in the background of the left edge. There is a green rectangle filling the center of the page and aligned with the right edge. Yellow text...

Warning Public Health Threat

This horizontally-oriented poster features an illustration of a flying insect stinging the earth in the right half of the page. There are flags for the "WTO", the United States, and various...

World Trade Organization What are they trading away?

This is a light yellow poster with black text and images. There is an illustration of a sea turtle in the lower _ of the page. Large text in a rectangle at the top of the page reads "World Trade...


This poster features a black and white photograph of a group of people yelling and holding signs. "Vote" appears in large font in the lower center. Smaller text above and below reads "If you...


This poster features an image of the earth superimposed with a hazardous waste symbol. There is a human fingerprint in the background and 4 statistics related to plant biodiversity and genetically...


This poster features a black and white image of a woman holding her finger over her lips in a gesture of silence. Only her head, neck, and hand are visible. Text at the top of the page reads "''...

Street Festival To: End Corporate Rule
Late 20th Early 21st Century

This poster features an illustration of factory shaped like a human skull and a group of animals grouped around a naked female figure. The image is against a black background. Large text at the...

The WTO Is Biocide

Poster has black text and images printed on purple paper. Text across the top reads "The WTO Is Biocide" and is followed by a photo of a baby propped up on his forearms with text across the top...

nine things to do instead of work on november 30:

This poster features 9 small scenes of people engaged in various activities with the name of the activity underneath. Large, black text at the top of the page reads "nine things to do instead / of...


Poster has black and white image and black text pritned on white paper. Image shows two females holding up the peace sign. Text imposed over the top of the image at the bottom reads "if the...


Poster has black text and image printed on yellow paper. Centered at the top of the poster is an image of a cow. Below the image is a paragraph of text on the WTO''s part in forcing the European...

World Trade Organization

Poster has black text and images printed on purple paper. Text across top reads "World Trade Organization: what are they trading away?" followed by a large picture of Africa filled with the text "...

The Long Memory
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has central image of civilians falling to the street while maskes SWAT members set off smoke bombs in the background. White text at the bottom right corner of the poster reads "WTO Protests...


Poster has black and white texts and images printed on white paper. Large image has black background with the title "Alienation" at the top in white. Below the title is an unidentifiable oval...


Poster has black text imposed over a grayscale photo. Picture shows an indigenous man posing with a weapon. Text centered at the top reads "Who Owns The Park?" Smaller text starting...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text printed on white paper. At the top of the poster is the title "Peoples Park festival of Resistance" followed by the date, time, guests, call to action, and sponsors. The...

Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text and images printed on white paper. Top of poster has two flags crossed - left flag has the text "Rank-File Labor Day" and the right has "Back To School Free-Concert". Between...

Women's Revolutionary Park Circle
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text and images enclosed in a black border printed on white paper. Arched text centered at the top reads "Women''s Revolutionary Park Circle" followed by a list of featured bands...

Peoples Park
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text and images printed on white paper. In a banner at the top of the poster is the text "Peooles Park". Centered beneath the banner is the text "4th of July anti-festival (12-5...

No Exit

Poster has black text and images printed on white paper. Central image shows the dotted cartoon of a male figure with a bald head and a beard. The image is enclosed by a black border and has black...


Poster has black text and images printed on white paper. Border of poster copies of hand drawn images - an anarchy symbol, "peace" in bubble letters, peace symbols, flowers, a happy face, and "...

Women's Revolutionary Park Circle
Late 20th Early 21st Century

Poster has black text and images enclosed in a black border printed on white paper. Arched text centered at the top reads "Women''s Revolutionary Park Circle" followed by a list of featured bands...

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