
Free Mumia!

Poster has a black and yellow background and text. In the top half, there is an drawing of a close-up of Mumia Abu-Jamal's face. Poster reads, "Free Mumia!/ Here's Why You Must Act." The rest of...

"I Have A Dream Today...
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is a black and white image with white text. At the bottom is an image of people, black and white and of different ages, marching across a field with American flags among them. Above them is...

Now We Have a Goal

Poster printed with black and blue ink on white paper. A blue double-line border frames the top and left side of the page opposite a graphic of Martin Luther King, Jr. standing with his arms...

The Veterans Crisis
c. 1970

Poster has an image of the Liberty Bell, but the bell part is a light green soldier helmet. Poster reads, "The Veterans Crisis/ Broken Bodies. Broken Hearts. Broken Promises. The second American...

Raza Si Guerra No!
c. 1972

Poster is printed on light yellow paper with brown ink. At the top is an image of a crowd raising their fists and shouting. An ethnic u-shaped pattern is repeated along the top, center and bottom...

Support the GI's & Vets march for peace

Poster is printed on light yellow paper with blue and red text and image. In the center is a photog of a soldier holding the head of another soldier who has his eyes closed. It is borded by small...

Spring Mobilization: march to end the war in Vietnam

Poster has a circle in the center that is half blue with the outline of a dove in white. Poster reads in blue, "Spring Mobilization/ March to end the war in Vietnam/ April 15 10 A.M./ Montgomery...

march April 24 San Francisco Wash. DC

Poster has a black and white photo at the top of a crowd of people holding signs protesting the war. Below reads, "March April 24 San Francisco Wash. DC Bring All the GI's Home Now."

Whose side are you on theirs of Nixon's?

Poster has a turquoise background with white text. At the top center is a black and white photograph of soldiers, one has a guitar slung over his shoulder. Poster reads, "Whose side are you on...

March April 24 San Francisco, Wash. DC

Poster has a black and white photo at the top of a military helicopter flying in front of smoke and a tank. In the lower right of the photo is "Waiting for Nixon to end the war? Don't hold your...

Tie his Hands: Join the SMC

Poster has a green background with a blue and white drawing in the center. The drawing depicts Richard Nixon as a giant being tied down by small people with ropes and protest signs. Poster reads...

Wanted for War Crimes: General Frederick Woerner
c. 1989

Poster has a black and white photoraph of a man in front of a flag wearing a uniform. Below the photo is the caption, "General Frederick Woerner Commander of the U.S. Sixth Army, Presidio." Poster...

Peace is coming because the people are making the peace
c. 1970

Poster has a black and white photograph of people protesting in front of the Capital Building. Above reads, "Peace is coming because the people are making the peace/ march may 1st 11 a.m. the...

untitled [unidentified demonstration]
c. 1969

Poster has a thin unprinted border. Poster is printed with a photograph of a group of people marching down a city street, they are carrying makeshift flags and banners. Many of the figures are...

c. 1969

Poster is printed with black text on yellow background overall. Right side of poster has large text oriented perpendicular to the bottom edge that reads: "april 22". The left side of the poster...

Construction Yes - Destruction No!

Top edge of poster has the text: "March For Peace April 24". Below is a large stylized drawing with a truss crane at top, below the crane the background is red, at the bottom edge of the drawing...

New Mobilization West

Top of poster has stylized text in blue and red: "Isaiah 24 And He Shall / Judge / Among / The / Nations / And / Shall / Rebuke / Many / People / And They Shall / Beat Their / Swords / Into Plow...

Now--More Than Ever!

The poster has the text, from top to bottom: Now -- More Than / Ever! /March / -Rally / Sat. / Jan. 20 / Sign It / Now! / assemble - 11am embarcadero / foot of market - s.f. / rally - 1 pm civic...

Join the New Action Army

The poster has a yellow background overall. The top of the poster has a black and white photograph of a large group of people marching and carrying signs with slogans like: "GI?s For Peace" and ?...

Join the Mobilization

The top of the poster has a black and white photograph of a female figure smiling and holding up a small bouquet of flowers. Two of the finger on the woman's hand extend slightly beyond the edge...

April 15 Int'l Student Strike
c. 1970

The poster has an orange background overall. The top of the poster has the text: "April 15 / Int?l Student / Strike / Immediate withdrawal: / Vietnam, Laos, S.E. Asia / Bill of Rights for high...

Out Now! Stop the Bombing!
c. 1968

The poster has a black background overall. The top edge of the poster has the text: "Out Now! Stop the Bombing!". The left side of the poster has a highly stylized drawing of several aircraft in...

...But You Can't Fool All of the People All the Time.

Poster has a large stylized photograph overall. The photograph depicts a large crowd with the Washington Monument in the background against an orange sky. The top of the image is overlaid with the...

Stop them! The can't stop themselves

Poster has a black and white drawing of several men in uniforms placing bombs on targets on a map. Below reads, "Stop Them!/ they can't stop themselves/ March on Washington - San Francisco Aprtil...

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