work on paper

The Great Spirit Within / "The Hole"

This is a black, glossy poster with a photograph of Native American beadwork jewelry covering the center of the page. Large, yellow text at the top reads "The Great Spirit Within" above "'The Hole...

Free Leonard Peltier

This black and white poster features a large central image of a male figure inside a circle with 4 feathers hanging from the bottom. Large text along the top reads "Free Leonard Peltier" and...


This horizontally-oriented poster is filled with a grayscale illustration of several male and female human figures. There are also several children. Many of the people are playing musical...

Free Leonard Peltier

This black and white poster features a large central image of a male figure inside a circle with 4 feathers hanging from the bottom. Large text along the top reads "Free Leonard Peltier" and...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster consists of black and manila print on a red background on textured paper. Along the border of the poster are pictograms with a photograph in the center of the poster of a North American...

Spirit of Crazy Horse

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white background with black image and text. At the top of the poster is black text that reads: "Spirit Of Crazy Horse / Freedom For / Leonard Peltier...

Executive Clemency for Leonard Peltier
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a notice for a walk and event. Poster is a black and brown image of Leonrad peltier looking out toward the left. At the top right corner is a bull skull...

Spirit of Crazy Horse

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white background with black text. At the top is text that reads: "Spirit Of / Carzy Horse". Below this text is an image of an Indian man with a...

Untitled (Statue of Liberty Totem Pole

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white background with a blue cityscape in the background. In the foreground is the Statue of Liberty being chipped away by an Indian man on a red...

Retourner Chez Soi

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a print of a Gregg Willis piece. Poster has a white boarder. The image is of an Indian man in traditional dress riding a horse and holding a gun. He is...

Untitled (Oglala Newspaper)

Poster is printed on newsprint paper. Poster is double-sided and part of a larger newspaper. The poster has a black boarder. In the center is a black, outlined circle with a collage of black and...

Defending Your People's Rights Doesn't Make You a Criminal
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a black and white photograph of an Indian man (Dennis Banks) walking down a paved path. He is in Westernized dress, with two feathers in his hair. On...

Free Skyhorse & Mohawk
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is screen printed on white paper. Poster is looks like a block print in black and white. At the top are two Indian men's portraits. The one on the left has long hair and has "Richard Mohawk...

circa 1971

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has an outline of the United States of America. Inside the outline id a black and white photograph of an Indian man and women wrapped in a blanket...

Big Mountain Big Benefit
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster consits of red, black and gray print on white paper. Image depicts a Native American geometric design in a square with the text "women will heal / Mother Earth" along the edges. Text...

I Dream of Meeting Our Hopi Ancestors

Poster is printed on white paper. Centered in the poster is a colored drawing from the book "The Spiritual Life of Children", by Robert Coles. The image depicts a scene with red plants, yellow...

Tribe Follows Tribe

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a collage of images that appear to be block prints. Each side of the poster has three square images that depict Indians and Spanish explorers. In the...

Untitled (Three Men on Horseback)

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white boarder with a colored photograph centered in the poster. The image shows a snowy scene with three Indian men on horseback. They are in both...

Turning Point Or Vanishing Point

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a circular design in the center. There are four hands that radiate outward with four images of the earth between each hand. Around the hands is orange...

Honor Mother Earth

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a white background with a circular desing in the middle. The design shows a night fire scene with Indian men and women gathered around the fire. In the...

Hopi Property

Poster is printed on yellow paper. Paper is textured. Poster is a advertisement for a documentary. At the top of the poster is black and red text that reads: "Documentary 16mm colour film / Hopi...

Energy War 1980

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is a notated map with radioactive and other energy reLated areas of the Four Corners region of the United States of America. The map depicts the Four...

In The Lights Of Reverence
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster is an advertisement for an independent film. The top third of the poster is a color photograho of a sunset. Below this is yellow and white text that reads...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has a black boarder. Centered is a collage of images of Indian men and women, farming, animals and other symbols. The main feature of the collage is a red...

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