work on paper

Occupation: Wrong in Iraq, Wrong in Palestine
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with blue ink on white paper. The page has an unprinted outer border with a blue background at top, a slightly smaller white background just below center, and a horizontal band of...

Speak Out for Silent Soviet Jewry, Let My People Go
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with red and black ink on white paper. The page has a red overall background with a large graphic of a white Star of David chained with a padlock showing an image of a hammer and...

Genocide in Tibet
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on thin tan paper. "Genocide / in / Tibet" is printed in large font at upper right. Two photographs appear below the text and show a crowd of people carrying a...

Tibetan Calendar, 2104 Fire-Serpent Year 1977

Poster on white paper has a circular color image at center that shows a green fire breathing serpent hovering in a blue sky with white clouds above grasses and flowers. The rest of the poster is...

untitled (soldiers in red)
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster with Russian text. Central figure in grey uniform with weapons, flanked to his right by three men in red uniforms, one holding a scythe. A group printed in white to the central figure's...

untitled (bow and arrow pointing at dove)
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on white paper. The page has an overall black background with a stylized bow and arrow at left and a dove at right. The bow has a dollar symbol on the center of the...

Celebrate 34

Poster printed with gray and orange ink on white paper. "Celebrate 34" is printed at top in large gray and orange cursive font. The center of the page contains a group of candles aligned in the...

No More Scapegoats!

Poster has a black, blue, white and yellow background with red and black text. Surrounding the center box are several portraits of people and individuals including a gay couple in the upper right...

End the Occupation, Justice for Palestine!
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with blue ink on white paper. A blue rectangle at top contains white text in capital font that reads, "End the Occupation." Blue text printed diagonally on the lower two-thirds of...

Stop U.S. Aid to Israel
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black ink on orange paper. "Stop / U.S. Aid / to Israel" is printed in large font and centered over three-quarters of the page. A black horizontal band on the bottom of the...

End the Occupation, Justice for Palestine!
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with blue ink on white paper. A blue rectangle at top contains white text in capital font that reads, "End the Occupation." Blue text printed diagonally on the lower two-thirds of...

Palestine for the Palestinians!
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with black and red ink on white newsprint. The page has an unprinted outer border and a secondary single line red border that frames a gray background with red text. A photograph...

Palestinian Resistance Palestinienne
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with brown and red ink on white paper that has a plastic textured coating. A brown drawing of a horse fills the upper portion of the page. The horse appears at far left against a...

International Day of Solidarity with Palestine - May 15
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with blue, red, orange, and green ink on white paper. The page has a single line border that transitions from blue at top to green at bottom. A blue rectangle with a white stripe...

Friendship Worked Then, It Can Work Now

Poster has an image of U.S. soldiers reaching across to shake the hands of Soviet soldiers across bricks drawn in the shape of a swaskika. Behind them are flags of each country. Poster reads, "...

May 1st
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster shows a female figure with blonde hair and a flowing white dress sprinkling flowers over a large group of men with signs. Green text in Russian at the top right transLates to "May 1st"....

Opening an Outsider Door

Multi-color poster on white paper. An image is aligned at lower right that shows man with a large right ear standing in front of a semi-abstract green landscape with silhouetted buildings and a...

Stop Bombing Yugoslavia
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with red ink on white paper. Poster text from top to bottom reads, "Stop / Bombing / Yugoslavia / Money for Jobs, Schools, / Health & Housing - NOT WAR! / Emergency...

Solidarnosc [Solidarity]
c. 1981

Poster has an unprinted outer border and an allover blue background. An image of a grey sickle cutting the stem of a red rose fills the center of the page. A logo for "Solidarnosc" is printed in...

Palestinian Children Need a Free Homeland Now!!"
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Multi-color poster has a blue background with stick figures wearing clothing. One is a woman and the other is a girl. A white outline of a crescent moon that transitions into a dove is connected...

A Free Palestine

Poster contains a reproduction of an artwork by Malaquias Montoya that shows a figurative landscape with a short text piece by Dom Ashton across the top. The landscape includes a white and black...

Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with yellow, brown, green, and black ink on white paper. The page has an unprinted outer border with a background that transitions from yellow at top to pale yellow at bottom. "...

A Just Peace for Palestinians & Israelis
Late 20th - Early 21st Century

Poster printed with red and black ink on white paper. The page has an unprinted outer border and a secondary single line black border that frames an overall red background. Large text centered...


Poster printed with black, purple, and orange ink on white paper. Text is printed in English and Korean. "Korea Reunification Symposium II" is printed at top center in black font and "Towards...

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