work on paper

Comadante Ana Maria: Hasta la Victoria Seimpre!

Poster has a yellow and red background with black and red text. In the center is an image of Comandante Ana Maria's face with an red and white background. Below the image the text reads in Spanish...

Septiembre : Mes de Solidaridad Con Chile [September : Month of Solidarity with Chile]
c. 1975

Poster has a white background with black text. In the center is an image of a person drawn with their right fist in the air. The poster reads, "Septiembre Mes de Solidaridad Con Chile."Pinochet's...

Demonstrate. March 2.

Poster has an orange background with black text. In the center is an image of a man holding a rifle in his right hand. The man appears to be falling backward with his eyes closed. The poster reads...

U.S. Hands Off Chile: El Pueblo Vencera
c. 1974

Poster has a yellow background with black text. In the center is an image of three faces and an arm holding up the Chilean flag. The text forms a circle around the image and reads, "U.S. Hands of...

In Solidarity with the People of El Salvador
c. 1980

Poster has a multicolored background with purple and red/orange text. The main image consists of a town seen in the background, in the middle is a woman standing next to a clinic with a child on...

Mancotal: From Nicaragua to the People of El Salvador

Poster has a black background with yellow and white text. Towards the top is an image of a guitar being handed off to another person. This image is repeated three times. The poster reads, "Benefit...

Support the Chilean Peoples Struggle, Boycott the Junta Now
c. 1974

Poster printed in black ink on brown paper and shows a group of men and women grouped together behind barbed wire at the top left and bottom right corners. Several people are shown reaching out...

La Paz Y La Justicia: Peace With Justice

Poster has a magenta background with white text. In the center is a photograph outlined in red of people walking along a road carrying bags and containers on their backs and heads. The poster...

Stop Bombing El Salvador

Poster has a black background with white text. Towards the bottom left is an image of a face surrounded by the black background. The poster reads, "Stop Bombing El Salvador/ Join the National...

Stop Bombing El Salvador
c. 1987

Poster has a black background with white text. Towards the bottom left is an image of a face. The poster reads, "Stop Bombing El Salvador/ Join the National Campaign to Stop the U.S. Sponsored...

Stop The Bombing Of El Salvador
c. 1982

Poster has a brown background with blue and white text. The main image is an illustration of a family of three, a mother and two children, hiding in a shelter with planes flying overhead. The...

Nicaragua Imagenes

Poster has a gray background with black and white text. In the center is a photograph of two people walking away from the camera; the woman to the left has a bag slung over her shoulder and the...

Nicaragua Imagenes

Poster has a white and sepia background with orange and black text. There are two photographs; the top is of five men with hats on, the bottom is of a group of people lined up in front of a...

Chile: Primer Encuentro Cultural en el Exilio [First conference in exile]

Poster has a white background with blue and red text. In the center is an image of blue splatter and within the word, "Chile," are the colors and star of the country's flag. The poster reads, "...

Chile From Within
c. 1991

Poster has a white background black and gray text. There are two images; top photograph is of two people, man and woman, in an embrace, and the bottom photograph is of three men carrying a...

In Defense Of Our Future

Poster has a black and white background with black text. There are six photographs. The top three and center photograph is of a woman in a polka dot dress being taught by soldiers how to load a...

Chile: 11 de Septiembre 1973

Poster has a black and white background with white, black and red text. The top image is a silhouette of four soldiers with bayonets in their rifles and towards the bottom is the image of 5 faces...

Viva FSLN - Sandino Lives
c. 1984

Poster printed in black and red ink on white paper and shows Sandino wearing boots, dark pants, a jacket, and a wide brimmed hat along the left side of the page. A wide red and black band are...

Si Nicaragua Vencio, El Salvador Vencera! [If Nicaragua could win, El Salvador will too!]

Poster has a stippled black background with black and purple text. Towards the top is a calendar for 1984 and below that is an image of three people wearing bandanas over the bottom half of their...

Poetry Concert and Dialogue: Ernesto Cardenal

Poster has a black, white and red background with white text. In the center is a sketch of a man with a beard and glasses wearing a black beret. The poster reads, "Poetry Concert and Dialogue/...

The Battle of Chile

Poster has a black and white background with red text. In the center is blurry image of soldiers riding on a tank with a second tank behind them, off to the left. The poster reads, "The Passions...

untitled (Chilean scenes of war and Augusto Pinochet)

Poster has a black and white background black text. Poster is filled with text and quotes from newspapers and magazines concerning Chile as well as images of Augusto Pinochet and Chilean soldiers...

Benefit Concert for Chile Democratico & El Tecolote: "Los Folkloristas"

Poster has a green, red, and white background with black and white text. In the center is an image of a band of seven people playing different instruments including guitars. The poster reads, "...

Todos Solidarios Con Chile Contra El Terror Fascita! Unite in Solidarity with Chile Against Fascist Terror!
c. 1980

Poster has a black and white background with blue and red text. In the center is an image of a man wearing glasses at a podium with his right hand in the air. The poster reads, "Todos Solidarios...

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