work on paper

Freedom for Chile: Jose Weibel
Free Luis Corvalan
untitled (Chilean political prisoners)
Viva Nicaragua Libre
Pablo Neruda Presente!
More than 2500 Chileans have disappeared: Save their lives!
Free all politcal prisoners
Stop the June 21 Esmeralda
Rally: Boycott all trade with the fascist regimes of Chile & So. [South] Africa
Nothng from Pinochet : Nothing for Pinochet
Rally: Boycott all trade with the fascist regimes of Chile & So. [South] Africa
Boycott Chilean Products
Stop the Esmeralda! Stop the Torture Ship!
Chile: Democracy Now
Here Comes the Sun!
Protest Fascist Chilean Junta
Benefit for the Chilean Resistance
International Conference of Solidarity with Chile
Dios Union Y Libertad  [God, Union, Liberty]
A Peasant of El Salvador
Olga [Talamante] is Free
El Salvador... Time of Daring
The Mission Cultral Center Presents: Mas Alla de los Volcanes
Chile 1978 (calendar)
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