work on paper

untitled "Nixon, Frei, and Pinochet..."  (Pablo Neruda poem)
Chile: Active Resistance Demands Active Solidarity
The Dead in the Square (poem by Pablo Neruda]
Farabundo Marti
En Memoria a los Caidos
National Chile Center
unitled (Chilean political prisoners)
Cuba-Chile 74
Memorial Procession for Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffit
March for Chile
10 A?os [10 years of dictatorship]
September 11, 1973-1983: Freedom for Chile
Women in Arms, Mujeres en Armas
I'm Going To Plant a Heart on the Earth
Chile 1973-1983
Straight From The Horse's Mouth...
El Derecho a Ser Libre Se Gana Luchando! [The right to be free is won through struggle!]
Poetry for the Nicaraguan Struggle
Homenaje a Ruben Dario
Chile Presente: Images of Betrayal and Defiance
Orquesta Positiva
Inside The Volcano: Artists' Tour of Nicaragua '84
"Cosechando Cafe/ Harvesting Coffee"
© 2024 Oakland Museum of California