work on paper

untitled "Nixon, Frei, and Pinochet..."  (Pablo Neruda poem)
c. 1974

Poster is cream colored with black printed text in the center. The text is a quote from Pablo Neruda, September 1973. It begins, "Nixon, Frei, and Pinochet up to this day this bitter month of...

Chile: Active Resistance Demands Active Solidarity
c. 1978

Poster printed in blue, red, and brown ink on brown paper. A group of two men and two women are shown standing together against a blue background. "Chile: active resistance demands active...

The Dead in the Square (poem by Pablo Neruda]

Poster has a poem in small type overall with small black and white illustrations from the poem overall. The upper left corner reads, "The Dead in the Square/ by Pablo Neruda/ transLated by Robert...

Farabundo Marti

Poster has a yellow and red background with a blue image of a man's face. Above the image is "Farabundo Marti" in blue. The bottom center edge has a red box with "fmln" and a white star.

En Memoria a los Caidos

Poster has red, blue and yellow image of stick figures and blue text. Across the top and bottom is a pattern of a female stick-figure with a basket on her head in red, with a bomb shape below, and...

National Chile Center
c. 1976

Poster has a black background with an image of a man's face in profile on the left. On the right is white text. It reads, "I was born a Chilean/ I am a Chilean/ I will die a Chilean/ They, the...

unitled (Chilean political prisoners)
c. 1975

Poster has a black background with white text and images. On the left and right are photographs of two men with only their heads and hands visible and wearing dark clothing. In the upper left...

Cuba-Chile 74

Poster has a light green background at the top and a dark green background at the bottom broken in the middle by a white bar. At the top is a Cuban flag with a red rose. At the bottom is a Chilean...

Memorial Procession for Orlando Letelier and Ronni Karpen Moffit

Poster has two black and white photographs. On the left is a man, with a quote underneath identifying him as Orlando Letelier. On the right is a woman with a quote underneath identifying her has...

March for Chile

Poster has a black background four images at the top in a square. The images show a Chilean flag, a hand with a gun and a man yelling. Below reads "March for Chile/ Denouce the military overthrow...

10 A?os [10 years of dictatorship]

Poster has a red and blue striped background with an image of a man's head. In the center is a Chilean flag with a group of soldiers in black. Poster reads, "10 A?os de dictadura/ de resistencia/...

September 11, 1973-1983: Freedom for Chile

Poster has a blue background with a black and red design in the center of people's faces and a building. Poster reads in white, "September 11, 1973-1983. 10 Years of Dictatorship/ 10 years of...

Women in Arms, Mujeres en Armas

Poster printed with red and black ink on white paper. A rectangular black and white photograph of a young woman holding a rifle bordered in red appears at center on a black background. Red text...

I'm Going To Plant a Heart on the Earth

Poster has a white background with redtext. In the center is an image of the earth with a female figure in a sitting position holding a heart in her hands. The poster reads at the top,"I'm going...

Chile 1973-1983

Poster has a black background with red and white text. Towards the top is the image of the Chilean flag composed of three different images; blue part has a man behind bars, the white part has two...

Straight From The Horse's Mouth...

Poster has a green background with black text. In the center is a black and white drawing of three male figures with masks in front of paintings including one of a house in the top right corner....

El Derecho a Ser Libre Se Gana Luchando! [The right to be free is won through struggle!]

Poster has a white background with red text. In the center is an image of a large group of people holding red flags, pitchforks and rifles. The poster reads, "El Derecho a Ser Libre Se Gana...

Poetry for the Nicaraguan Struggle

Poster has a red and black background black and white text. Towards the top is an image of a man's head wearing a hat. The poster reads, "Poetry for the Nicaraguan Struggle/ Saturday December 11,...

Homenaje a Ruben Dario

Poster has a blue and white background with white and black text. In the center is a sketch of Ruben Dario wearing a tie and collared shirt. The poster reads, "Homenaje a Ruben Dario/ A Bilingual...

Chile Presente: Images of Betrayal and Defiance

Poster has a black background with white and black text. In the center is a an image of the Chilean flag in the shape of a head. The poster reads, "Chile Presente/ Images of betrayal and defiance...

Orquesta Positiva

Poster has a gray and purple background with red text. In the center is a drawing of people dancing, playing instruments, and mingling with farm animals in their party attire. The poster reads, "...

Inside The Volcano: Artists' Tour of Nicaragua '84
c. 1984

Poster has a brown background with black and blue text. At the top is an image of a pair of naked feet on the left and a pair of feet in blue tennis shoes on the right. The poster reads, "Inside...


Multi-color poster printed on white paper. The top half of the page contains a graphic of men and women wearing colorful clothing who stand in a row on a strip of grass with their arms linked...

"Cosechando Cafe/ Harvesting Coffee"

Poster has a tan background with an image in dark brown ink. The main image is of a woman with her hair covered in a scarf and her hand in a basket, harvesting coffee beans from the plants...

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