work on paper

Support Prisoners Demands at Folsom

Top edge of poster has the text: "Anniversary Of The Attica Rebellion (September 9-13, 197)". The poster has a large stylized drawing overall. The drawing shows a pair of human hands that appear...

Geronimo Pratt
after 1978

Poster is printed overall with a black and white photo of an African American man, shown from the shoulders up he is smiling with his head slightly tilted. The upper left corner is overlaid with...

End the Death Penalty - Free Mumia Abu-Jamal

Background of poster is green, with red and orange and resembles a painted canvas. The lower right corner has a stylized photographic image of Mumia Abu-Jamal with a dark beard and long dark...

Stop the Execution! Free Mumia Abul-Jamal!
Lat 20th century to Early 21st Century

Center of poster has a large black and white photograph of Mumia Abu-Jamal smiling with his fist in the air. The top edge of the poster has the text: "Stop the Execution!". The bottom edge of the...

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal
20th Century

The left side of the poster has a black and white photo of Mumia Abu-Jamal with a beard and long dreadlocks; he is shown from the chest up and is wearing a white shirt. There is text in black...

African Liberation day

Poster has an image at the top with a red background and green and black drawings of people protesting and soldiers. In the upper left is an outline of the United States and in the upper right is...

Henry Winston: National Chairman of the Communist Party, U.S.A.

Poster has a black and white phtoograph of a man in a suit on the left side. On the right is "They robbed me of my Sight by not my Vision." printed in black. The bottom has a black bar with white...

African Art and Social Organization Exhibition

Poster has a brown background with 12 black outlined squares in the center with drawings of African masks. Below reads, "African Art and Social Organization Exhibition/ 1 Kaiser Center Plaza...

En Memoria, Rodrigo Betancur 1953-1994
c. 1995

Poster printed with black ink on white paper. A man in a plaid shirt holding a video camera to his face appears at bottom center surrounded by figurative skeletons. One of the skeletons holds a...

Companeros take Heart

Poster has a drawing of Harriet Tubman reaching forward in a light yellow robe. Around her are various men and women with patterns of green, pink and blue. Below the drawing is "Comaneros taker...

Peace Abroad & Justice At Home
c. 1984

Poster has a black and white portrait photograph of an African-American in a suit and tie. Below reads, "Peace Abroad & Justice at Home."

circa 1970

Poster has a brown and white drawing of a man holding a flaming torch walking away from a large white mansion that is on fire. The man has a beard and wide eyes.


Jesse Jackson '88
c. 1988

Poster has a black and white photograph of Jesse Jackson speaking into three microphones. He is wearing a suit and tie. Below reads, "Jesse Jacson '88" in large black lettering.

untitled [Jesse Jackson campaign]

Poster has a drawing overall of Jesse Jackson speaking into microphones in front of a crowd. In the background is a blue sky with clouds and a rainbow. In the foreground are crowds of people with...

Come Alive June 5: Jackson Delegate SLate
c. 1988

Poster has a black and white photograph of Jesse Jackson speaking on a stage. Around the photograhy is a blue border with white stars and red stripes behind. Poster reads, "Come Alive June 5/ Vote...

The 13th Marin City Community Festival

Poster has a light gray border with black text. In the center is a red background with a black rose being held by a hand. Across the top reads, "The 13th Marin City Community Festival." The bottom...

The Future is in Our Hands

Poster has a light blue background with a drawing of three women of different ethnicities holding a yellow and green earth. The woman on the left is brown with black hair, the woman in the center...

International Women's Day: March 8, 1990

Poster has a black background with a drawing a face in red in the center of a street with two cats on either side. Below the drawing is "Women of the Americas! United in Honor of / International...

8th Annual Cinco de Mayo

Poster printed with orange, black, and yellow ink on white paper. A key pattern border with a logo for "M.E.C.H.A. / La Union Hace La Fuerza" frames the page. Branches with citrus fruit appear...

International Women's Day 1992

Poster has a black background with an image of a quilt in the cneter. Each quilt square shows the theme of 500 years of resistance with a light purple border. Poster reads, "International Women's...

International Women's Day March 8, 1992

Poster has a drawing of a woman's face with flowers and foilage around here and mountains in the background. On the right is a listing of events by dates. Poster reads, "International Women's Day...

International Women's Year

Poster has a background of dark navy blue space with white stars overall. In the top center is a drawing of a dove with a women's gender symbol. Below is "1975/ International Women's Year." It is...

We are Not a Show Horse, Doing a Performance

Multi-color poster shows two arms raised in the air on a blue-black background. Gloves are on both hands and each is clenched in a fist. Text in a red band across the bottom of the page reads, "...

Stop Rape Week 85

Poster has a a red banner at the top with "Stop Rape Week 85" On the left is a cartoon of what "no" means. On the right is a calendar for 1985 and 1986 with a listing of events.

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