work on paper

...And Ain't I A Woman?
Afro-American Family 1979, '78, '77, '76
In his own words- speeches, dialogue and more!
What Happens To A Black Man Upon Returning From Vietnam?
Why Worry? The Black Woman
untitled (2002 calendar, celebrating the legacy of African Americans each and every day)
untitled (Historically Black Colleges and Universities)
KRS One for American's Libraries
We must continue to build the family
Comisat: An equal opportunity employer
Great Queens of Africa: There's Great Future in your Past.
Great Kings of Africa calendar
Local Legends National Heroes
Malcolm X documentary
Martin Luther King's Dream
Olympics '68
Soul on Ice
Audre Lorde
untitled (Jamiacan Lion)
Revolutionary People's Constitutional Convention November 27-29, 1970
Stop the Execution! Free Mumia Abu-Jamal!
Dance Theatre of Harlem
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