work on paper

The King is dead. Love your brother.
Common Cause
untitled (Alan Paton/Mrs. Medgar Evers quotes]
Give a damn.
Wouldn't you go to jail if it would help end the war?
Stop the bombing
There is so much coldness
General Strike!
Speedups: Workers Never Profit
Upward Mobility: A False Promise
A.M.A's Nightmare
Ideological Coverup
The Greatest Show on Earth? The Commodity Fetish
If there is a fuel shortage, make the big fuel companies carry our burden!
Bugged by U.S. Government?
Blood of the Condor
untitled (25 dollars)
American Imperialism [also called "predator"]
The Look of Imperialism
Cut Out Women's Work! Demand Job Equality
Signing the People's Peace Treaty
Our Dreams And Realities: A Day in the Life of an Office Worker
Ideological Coverup
untitled (war crimes tribunal)
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