work on paper

Paz! [Peace!]

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper. In the center is a drawing of a large face with an open mouth. In the middle of the mouth is a nude woman on her knees with her hands on her head....

Peace not war

Poster has stick-figure drawings of people fighting, stabbing each other, sad people, and dead people. Across the top is "Peace not war". Next to groups of people are labels, "dead people" "a man...

Stop killing at home, abroad

Poster has four horizontal bars of dark purple with white lettering. Poster reads, "Stop killing at home, abroad."

An example of linking deaths of U.S. activists towars on foreign soil. [...

So now Laos: Guard your rear!

Poster has an orange with green outline map of Laos. In the center is a large red explosion. Along the bottom edge is a red, orange and green triangle and circle pattern. Poster reads, "So Now...

Stop the dead

Poster is printed on red paper with black image and text. In the center are two human figures laying over each other dead. Below is "Stop the Dead" printed in large lettering. The bottom right...


Poster has an image in the center of a large red fist. Across the fist is "Strike" in capital letters.

Stop war stop buying

Poster is printed on blue paper with orange ink. Poster reads, "Stop war stop buying." The letter "o" in stop are peace symbols.

This poster makes an interesting link between American...

Students are Americans

Poster has a black and red background with abstract images of a woman and a man laying on the ground in front of her. The two figures are from the Kent State University protest image. At the top...

untitled (Strike)

Poster has red lettering printed overall. Poster reads, "Strike because there are cops in our Russel House strike because they invaded Cambodia strike because your classes are obscene in the face...

untitled (JFK quote)

Poster has an image at the top of a man yelling with a police officer in riot gear behind him. Below the image is a quote, "Those who make peaceful Revolution impossible, Make violent revolution...

Why [death of peace]

Poster has a black background bordered by red, white and blue ribbons. At the top the ribbons are braided and hanging as a noose around a dead dove's neck. The lower right corner the ribbons spell...

This Might Be You

Poster is printed on corrugated cardboard. In the center is an image of a bullet or bomb that is exploding a body apart in orange. There are outlines of hands and feet around the bomb. In black...

untitled (dead men)

Poster has a blue background with images of dead men in small wood coffins. Along the left side is a large outlined figure in green.

End war now

Poster is printed on a pieces of corrugated cardboard. In the center is "End War Now" in large outlined lettering. Behind is a background of black stripes with a solid black background at the...

Home Sweet Home: Bring Them Back Alive

Poster has a top edge border of a green sky with white clouds. In the center is "Home Sweet Home" spelled out in small outlined crosses. The bottom edge has "Bring Them Back Alive" printed in...

Unite the Churchs [churches]

Poster is printed on the backside of recycled ledger paper. In the center is a yin-yang symbol with a fist and a hand making a peace sign on either side. Above the images is "United the Churchs."...

Make Peace with Peace not war...

Poster has a blue area at the bottom with an outline of a white dove holding a branch in its mouth. Above the image is "Make Peace With Peace Not War..." printed in blue. The bottom right corner...


Poster has a background image of the shootings at Kent State. In the center is a man laying face down on the street with a woman yeling out behind him. Across the center of the poster is "Avenge"...


Poster is printed on the back of a calendar page from 1967. Poster has a black and white image of people laying down in a row. They are each holding up a white sign with a letter that spells "...

Here Lies John American

Poster is printed on the back of a 1967 calendar page. Poster has a black outline of a tombstone with black lettering in the center. The tombstone reads, "Here lies John American who died to save...


Poster is printed on the back side of a calendar page from 1967. Poster has a black and white image of a line of people standing on the edge of a roof. Each person is holding up a white sign with...

Does he destroy your way of life?

Poster is printed on yellow paper. In the background are two maps in red of China shwoing it under the Barbarians and Later Han Dynasty. Printed over the maps is a screenprint image of a person...

Did we really come in peace for all mankind?

Poster is printed on the backside of a calendar page from 1969. On the left side is an image of the moon's surface with a view of earth in the distance. On the right is "Did we really come in...

A Time to Tear Down And a Time To Rebuild

Poster has a birght pink background with green lettering in the center. Poster reas, "A Time to Tear Down And A Time To Rebuild." The words "tear down" are mirrored below the words.


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