work on paper

Is This war work your job? It's not worth our lives

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper. In the lower left is an image of a casket with a United States flag draped over it. In the upper right is an outline of a light blue gun with a...

Her suffering for our comfort? Strike

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with green ink. In the center is a drawing of a woman holding a baby. Poster reads, "her suffering for our comfort? Strike."

get it Together:Reconstitution won't end in june

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper. In the center is a yellow pyramid with the top stone floating above. Poster reads, "get it Together/ Reconstitution/ won't end in June/ the new...

He Didn't Protest Either

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with brown ink. In the center is an outline of a cow showing different areas of meat cuts. Poster reads, "He Didn't Protest Either."

Go Forth into the world in peace

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with red ink. On the left is a large red square with the outline of a fish. On the right reads, "Go forth ino the world in peace."

Hunger is Violence

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with red and black ink. In the center is a drawing a young child in red with black lines showing exposed ribs. Poster reads, "Hunger is Violence."...

George Brown for US Senator

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with purple ink. The top area has a light purple background with white text and an outline of a dove. It reads, "George Brown for US senator/ peace...

We Must Unite Now!

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with black ink. In the top center are two fists, one white and one black that are crossed. Poster reads, "We Must Unite Now!"

Home for Peace

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper with green ink. Paper is cut in half with the feed holes on the left. In the center is a drawing of a house with an antenna and small birds (doves...

An Appeal to the People: Save the Free Clinic

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper. The background has a large red cross that is broken in the center. Over is black text that reads, "An Appeal to the People/ Save the Free Clinic/...

End the ugly plastic war

Poster is a clear sheet of vinyl with "End the ugly plastic war" and a border embossed in the center.

Stop the War

The poster has a thin black border overall. The bottom of the poster has drawings of two human skulls shown from the nasal cavity up. The upper right corner has a small portion of a third skull....

Peace Now

Poster is printed on tractor feed printer paper and has a blue background that fades to a lighter blue at the bottom with white puffy clouds. In the center is "Peace Now" in white lettering.

Facist Infested!

The postrer is printed on tractor feed computer paper. Poster has a stylized drawing of a rat carrying a rifle overall. The lower right corner has the shilohette of a domes building and a large...

It's Illegal To Kill

Poster is printed with two photographic images. At left is an image of a lamp post with a street sign that has the text: "It's Illegal / To", below this text the bottom of the sign is darkened and...

Come Together for Peace

The poster is printed on tractor feed computer paper. The left side of the poster has a stylized drawing of a dove whose body is composed in part of a peace symbol. One of the dove's wings...

Without Action... No! Peace

Poster is printed in blue overall. Top of poster has a peace symbol overlaid with the text: "Without / Action... / No!". The bottom of the poster has the text: "Peace".

Please Don't Remain Silent

The top of the poster has the text: "Please". Below the center of the poster has a large stylized peace symbol with doves. Below is the text: "Don't Remain / Silent". The bottom of the poster has...

Don't Mourn, Organize

The top of the poster has text in red: "Don't Mourn / Organize". Below this the poster has a stylized peace symbol, the outer edge is a thin black line, the interior is defined by drawings of four...

Guardsmen Kill

The top of the poster has a newspaper heading with the text: "Final Daily News 8? / New York's Picture Newspaper". Below this header in large black letters is the text: "Guardsmen Kill". The...


The top of the poster has three black stripes, overlaid at center, with a stylized drawing of Richard M. Nixon bordered by a ring of ten stars. At the bottom of the poster the lowest of the three...


The poster has a stylized black and white drawing of a crowd of people. At the center of the drawing is a small, white, rectangular field that contains the text: "ACTION".

America Says: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

The upper left corner of the poster has a black and white photograph of Richard M. Nixon; shown from the chest up he is looking back at the camera and pointing with his left hand. The upper right...

Does He Destroy Your Way of Life?

The top of the poster has the text: "Does He Destroy". Below, the poster has a stylized drawing of a figure in a wide hat behind a large ox or bull. A faint horizon is visible in the background....

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