downtown neighborhood


Business forms. Description: invoices receipts, etc. to and from H. Gould & Sons, Encinal Flour Mills, Oakland. Gould was Dr. Torrey's grandfather on his mother's side; descendents are...


The area shown on this map is the triangle formed by 14th St., San Pablo Road, and Grove St. The north-south streets that trisect the area are Jefferson and Clay Sts. Lots available are only on...


Map, real estate advertisement. The lots shown for sale are on San Pablo Avenue, Park St., Menlo St. Sutter St. and Parsons St. Title and subject elements for this item are suggested by a...


Map, real estate advertisement. The lots shown for sale are on Telegraph Road, Franklin St. Bay Place, and Laurel St; 40 lots are available.

Trade card. Description:

.24 Keller's Shirts

.25 Keller's Shirts

mounted on one card

(cmt 12/93) J. Harkias, dealer in Laces, Lace Curtains advertised on front of...

Trade card. Description:

.24 Keller's Shirts

.25 Keller's Shirts

mounted on one card

(cmt 12/93)J. Harkias, dealer in laces and lace curtains on face of cards....

Tin trolley "City Hall Park". Description: "Electric" trolley car, tin, "City Hall Park 175"; red, green and yellow; six yellow benches facing front.

ca. 1908

Misc. trade cards, labels, sheet music, other printed material (not individually cataloged). History: Sheet Music "I Love you Calif.", sheet music "Waltz to SF Stock & Exchange

(DC 5/...

H. C. Capwell Co. bill. dated only "10-23".


Catalog of the Teacher & Pupils of the Oakland Seminary for Young Ladies for 1863


Itemized bill from Schluter's, Oakland. dated 9-19-12.


Jeweler's receipt. H. R. Morton Co. Oakland. dated Sept 30, 1914.


Hardware bill. Maxwell Hdwe. Co. Oakland. ( no date )


Bekin's Van and Storage bill. Oakland, Calif. June 2, 1909.

(C. Thompson 5/98) Invoice to Miss Kate Gilbert of 1263 Webster St., Oakland,Ca for storage of goods and for cartage. Attached...

receipt from Lierman & Mcguire for horseshoeing services

Menu Hotel St. Mark


GEORGE CHASE PAPERS: Sales slip of Palmer and Brown, horse equipment, May 1, 1874


Statement, to H. S. Tuttle, Nov. 14, 1888, from Maxwell & Pearce for "1 Can Cannon Powder".


Bill, to Geo. Chase, from Janis & Duncan, Nov. 7, 1890, for laying sidewalk.


Bill, to "Dandy Seventh," Dec. 12, 1888, from Oak. Printing Co. for postals.


Bill, to Oak. Paving Co. from Oakland Gas, Light & Heat Co. for April 1893 consumption

(C. Thompson 6/98) "Rules of the Oakland Gas, Light and Heat Co" listed on reverse side.


MOSES CHASE PAPERS: Thirty-one receipts for sewer and road work 1870's


MOSES CHASE PAPERS: Thirty-one receipts for sewer and road work 1870's


MOSES CHASE PAPERS: Thirty-one receipts for sewer and road work 1870's

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