work on paper

Masters of War, Engines of Death, Power Against The People
Stop the War Now
Dead in their tracts
And all is silence. : Hiroshima Day August 6th 1970
The Street Wall Journal: Hanoi: Haiphong: Strike Back
'Relax...the war's almost over.'
Vietnam: Who is the principal terrorist? Who is "precipitating" what bloodbath?
All Out of Indochina!! Set the date in '71 [1971]
The Vietnamese People Are Not Our Enemies
Wanted Dead (World Magazine insert)
The Future Is Ours
Q. And babies? A. And babies.
The Wheel of the Law Turns Without Pause...
National Student Strike
Los Angles Times, Tuesday Morning, May 5, 1970
Ho Chi Minh
Prison Diary / Ho Chi Minh
...With Liberty and Justice for All
Untitled (Wounded Infant)
...With Liberty and Justice for All
...With Liberty and Justice for All
No More Broken Treaties, Honor the Peace Agreement
Indochina Peace Campaign
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