work on paper

End The Rain of Terror: People's Blockade
The Conspiracy Trial: Chicago, Feb. 1970
Don't Bank on America
Untitled (Prisoners of War)
The Day Afer the Jury's Verdict...Try the Government in the Streets
Solidarity Vietnam
It Became Necessary to Destroy the Town to Save It
Kent State May 4, 1970
End the War in Viet Nam
Vietnam Will Win
Kent State : Exhibition
'Winding it Down'
Como En Viet Nam [As in Viet Nam]
Kill Traitors
She's a Good Air Force Wife
San Francisco, 1971
Meet Peace Head On : Ignorance incites apathy
What does Our flag stand for in Vietnam? ...Napalm
Mr. Nixon - Out!
Memorial Meeting for Kent State Martyrs
Swords into Plowshares
untitled (Nixon clouds)
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