work on paper

Money for Jobs : Not for War
c 2003

Poster has a drawing in the center of three skeletons. One has on a suit, one has on a soldiers uniform, and the third has a top had and a bag with a dollar sign. In front of the skeletons are...

Peace, No War

Poster has a black and white drawing in the center of a figure standing in the center of a half circle on a heart. The figure is holding up one hand and in the other has a plant with roots. Above...

Rally to Stop the bombing : Stop the War

Poster is printed on light yellow paper with black ink. At the bottom is a photo of women protesting and holding signs against war in Afghanistan. Next to the photo is a black box with "A.N.S.W.E....

People's Needs Not War!
c. 2002

Poster is printed on bright orange paper with black ink. It reads, "People's Needs Not War!" in large black lettering.

Stop the War Against Iraq

Poster has a black bar at the top and bottom with white text. In the center is a photo of a young gril with dark hair and two pony tails in her hair. The poster reads, 'National marches on San...

March and Rally for Human Rights and Peace!

Poster has a red peace symbol and red circle with a fist in the center. The poster has black and white text with red accents. It reads, "From Hunter's Point to Hebron.. From East Oakland to...

From Palestine to USA : United in Struggle Against War, Occupation and Explotation [exploitation]
c. 2003

Small photocopied poster that is in two halves (other half has a seperate number 2010.54.1569). The poster has a black black background with white text and two images. The poster reads overall,...

From Palestine to USA : United in Struggle Against War, Occupation and Explotation [exploitation]
c. 2003

Small photocopied poster that is in two halves (other half has a seperate number 2010.54.1570). The poster has a black black background with white text and two images. The poster reads overall,...

Not in our name: No war on Iraq
c. 2002

Poster has a black background with blue bars at the top and bottom with white text. In the center is an image of the earth with "No War on Iraq/ No War on the World" printed in light blue around...

The Mother Jones "Nuclear Believe It or Else!"

Poster depicts a panel cartoon of facts and figures about the United States and atomic/nuclear bombs. There are small drawings of men, bombs, and shelters.

The satiric title refers to the...

The Bombing of America
c. 1984

Poster has a black outline of the United states with red arrows indicating the impact of fallout from nuclear explosions. The top edge reads, "The Bombing of America" in black. The bottom area...

Robert Scheer: "Thinking Tuna Fish, Talking Death" [book release]

Poster has a kick-line of caricature drawings of past presidents and political figures. Each man is naked except for a pair of cowboy boots, a top hat in one hand and a missile in the other. They...

Time is Running Out: Don't let the present become the past.
c. 1980

Poster has a medium blue border on each side. In the center is a photograph of a brick wall with the shadow of a person shielding their eyes while pushing a stroller with a child in it. The bottom...

Hiroshima - Nagasaki Never Again!: Rally August 7

Poster has a blue border with cities and nuclear sites printed. In the center is an image of a building and trees completely destroyed by a nuclear bomb. The poster reads in the center, "Hiroshima...

untitled (40th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing)

Poster has a bright green background with a red diamond in the center. In the center of the diamond is a baseball player pitching a ball. On the left is a smaller baseball player using a missile...

Nuclear War? There Goes the Neighborhood.

Poster has two black and white images with black text at the top and bottom. The top image shos a house standing alone at night. The bottom image shows that same house being blown up by a nuclear...

"Gone with the Wind" : The Film to End All Films
c. 1981

Poster has a white background and a blue border. The body of the poster has a photomontage in blue, red, and white, of a male figure holding a female figure in his arms, one arm under her...

"Gone with the Wind" : The Film to End All Films
c. 1981

Poster has a white background and a red border. The body of the poster has a photomontage in blue and white, of a male figure holding a female figure in his arms, one arm under her shoulders and...

"Gone with the Wind" : The Film to End All Films
c. 1981

Poster has a white background and a blue border. The body of the poster has a photomontage in blue and white, of a male figure holding a female figure in his arms, one arm under her shoulders and...

How lucky that you were in a nuclear free area! Demand Nuclear Freeze!
c. 1984

Poster has a white background overall. Upper left corner has text: "How Lucky that / you were in a / nuclear free area !". Below is a drawing of a human skeleton seated in a wheelchair, to the...

World Nuclear Firepower 1984
ca 1984

Poster has a red background. Top edge of poster has white text: "World Nuclear Firepower 1984". Below the poster has a 7 x 25 grid of squares that contain black dots. Other than one square at the...

c. 1980

Top of poster has a black and white photograph of Albert Einstein. The bottom of the poster has the text: "Einstein / Through the release of atomic, energy, our generation has brought into / the...

Untitled (Origami Crane)

Body of poster has a grid of 12 squares in blue and purple that illustrate the steps of folding a paper crane. On top of these to the right of the poster is an image of a completed paper crane....

c. 1981

Poster has a thick white border overall. Poster has a photograph of two eggs leaning against one another. The egg at left is black. The egg at right is white and has a hole in it. Below the two...

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