work on paper

April 10, 1986 6:08 AM Nevada Test Site, Nevada
Join Us... for the sake of the children
1984: Orwell
untitled (catching the earth)
"Remember your humanity" Bertrand Russell
No nuclear terror- power or weapons!
untitled (paranoia poem)
This House is a Nuclear Free Zone
Support Global Nuclear Disarmament
Niemals [Never]
No Nukes!
The Nuclear Nightmare of Children
Disarm by the year 2000
Disengage nuclear arms to end the threat to continue to live or to die...
In the Shadow of the Cloud: Photographs and Histories of American Atomic Veterans
Fuck Housework
For Love of Women: A Lesbian Art Exhibit
Down with the White-ness
"Whales? Oh, no, man. No whales aroun' here." (Greenpeace save the whales)
Build a Wall of Resistance
Untitled (On the Bones of the Oppressors)
U.S. Government Doesn't Know Beans
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