
c. 1950
4 in HIGH x 5 in WIDE
(10.16 cm HIGH x 12.70 cm WIDE)
The Oakland Tribune Collection, the Oakland Museum of California. Gift of ANG Newspapers

This is a photographic negative of a buffet dinner involving the Oakland Oaks baseball team. The photo is centered on three people - two men and one woman. The men are on either side of the lady - all of whom are standing. The woman is wearing a blouse and pokadot skirt and the men are both wearing suits. All three are getting food off of a table to place onto their plates. The man on the right and the woman are holding their plates with their left hand. The woman is looking at the hand of the man to her right. The man to her right is pointing at the table or toward something on the table. To the far left in the photo another man exists but more than half of his body is cut off from the picture. In the background a trophy sits in front of a window that has a number of photos surrounding it on the wall.

Used: Oakland Tribune

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