
Red Ekks
12.625 in|7.625 in HIGH x 12 in|7 in WIDE x 8.5 in|.625 in DEEP
(32.07 cm|19.37 cm HIGH x 30.48 cm|17.78 cm WIDE x 21.59 cm|1.59 cm DEEP)
Gift of Mr. John Toki

R. Rasmussen (white sticker on bottom of sculpture); "11/21/75 / REDD EKKS" (written on back of mat (B)); "Robert Rasmussen" (white sticker on back of mat)

Porcelain sculpture (A) with china paint. Sculpture is brown in color and has a five sided star shaped base that narrows as it comes up to meet a round shape with a 7" rectangle projecting from it. Base has a cut-out crescent on one side with a purple jellyfish-like shape painted around it. On the other side of base is a red 'X' with the words "REDD / 1970 / EKKS" written around it. Three more red 'X's' are below and to the left of the first--as if they have fallen off. Round shape has pink squiggles (similar to a brain or organ) and has a pointed projection at top with a second crescent cut-out. Rectangle is decorated with yellow and red geometric lines. Second piece (B) is a black and white photograph of a man's head. Man has a mustache and beard and he is looking cross-eyed at the tip of his nose. His face is covered in cracked clay and he is wearing a black and white checkered shirt. Attached to the photograph on the bridge of the man's nose is a glass vile filled with a pink substance and topped with a cork. There is a red 'X' painted on the outside of the vile. Photograph is attached to black mat board. To right of photograph, also attached to the mat board is a stoneware pottery shard with gray and black mat glaze.

Used: John Toki

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