
World Trade Organization What are they trading away?
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Small text in the bottom left corner reads "Please copy and distribute / Intended for ''legal'' posting / only. Labor donated." Text along the left edge also lists contact information for "The Direct Action Network".

This is a light yellow poster with black text and images. There is an illustration of a sea turtle in the lower _ of the page. Large text in a rectangle at the top of the page reads "World Trade Organization / What are they trading away?" A paragraph of text below that explains an issue related to the Endangered Species Act and sea turtles. Text below and next to the turtle invites one to "Come to / Seattle! / November / 30, 1999" for a "Labor Rally / & march" in "memorial stadium, / Seattle Center" and nonviolent / Direct Action" in "Steinbrueck Park".
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