
17 in HIGH x 11.125 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 28.26 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom center: "For More Information Call: SF (415) 928-0466 South Bay (408) 299-2347 East Bay (510) 232-8796". | Bottom center, in box: "Endorsers (partial list): Labor: East Bay Area, APWU Local 47, International Longshoremen''s & Warehousemen''s Union (ILWU). Teamsters Joint Council 7; Contra costa / Labor Council, SF Labor Council, G.C.I.U/SF Web Pressman Platemaker''s Union, Local 4; Contra Costa Chapter SEIU Local 535, Hotel & Restaurant Employees & / Bartenders Union, Local ; SEIU Local 535, APRI, SF Chapter, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists, No. Calif. Chapter; Newspaper & Periodical Drivers & Helpers Union, / IBT Local 921, Public Employees Union, Local 1; South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council, SF Alloance of Black School Educators, the Association of Chinese Teachers, / UPE/SEIU Local 790; University Profession & Technical Employees, berkeley Local; H.E.R.E. Local 50; Religious: St. James A.M.E. Church, St. Paul of of the Shipwrek / Catholic Church; Survival & Faith Institute for Black Catholics; Other Organizations: Affordable Housing Alliance; All People''s Congress; Asian Law Caucus; Assn. of / World Citizens; Bay Society for International Friendship; Berkeley Gray Panthers; California Legislative Council For Older Americans; Harvey Milk Lesbian Gay Bisexual / Democratic Club, Resource Center for Non-Violence; SF Tenants Union; National Gay & Lesbian Task Force; California National Organization for Women; Campaign to / Abolish Poverty; Chinese for Affirmative Action; Coalition for Civil Rights; Coalition for Low income Housing; CPUSA, No. Calif. District; Coleman Advocates for / Children & Youth; Commission on the Status of Women (SF); Committee on the Middle East, Meiklejohn Civil Liberties Institute; Men Overcoming Violence (MOVE); / Neighbor to Neighbor; SF Chapter, NOW; SF Green Party; San Jose Peace Center; SF County Democratic Party; San Jose WILPF; Socialist Action; The Vote Health Coalition; / U.S. Peace Council; US Vietnam Friendship Assn.; Venceremos Brigade; Veterans Speakers Alliance; West Contra Costa Peace Committtee; William A. Leidesdorfl / Democratic Club; Women''s Int''l League for Peace & freedom; Young Communist League; Individuals: Buck Bagot; Isaac Berhe; Steve Chack; Helen Chin; Angie Fa / Shirek; Gwendolyn Strain; Karen Talbot; Vivian Wiley; Dr. Sedenia M. Wilson; Teresa Wu.". | Bottom center: Allied Printing Union Lable / Northern Calif." logo 124".

Poster is printed on green paper with black text and images. Poster is a notice for a 30th anniversary event. In the center of the poster is a portrait of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. above a crowd of people marching. One person is holing and American flag. There are buildings in the background. At the top of the poster is text that reads: "30th Anniversary Mobilization / West Coast March & Rally / for / Jobs, / Justice & / Peace". Below the image is event information that reads: "August 28, 1993 / Civic Center Plaza San Francisco, Ca / 10 am: Assemble at panhandle, Fell and Baker / 11 am: March to Downtown San Francisco / 12 noon: Rally at Civic Center Plaza / Speakers And Entertainment - (To be announced)".
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