
April 2nd thru 4th
Late 20th Early 21st Century
25 in HIGH x 19 in WIDE
(63.5 cm HIGH x 48.26 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Allied Printing (#19, Washington) logo centered at the bottom of the poster in black.

Poster has black and white figures holding yellow, red and orange signs with black text, pritned on white paper. Text at top left reads "April 2nd thru 4th" followed by the image at the center. Signs read: "Freedom from Hunger, War and Oppression", "Home Rule for D.C.", "the Working Poor Have the Right to Organize and Bargain Collectively", "poder el pueblo", "Free All Political Prisoners", "$6,500 Guaranteed Annual Income For Family Of Four", "Sign the People''s Peace Treaty", "End the War by Immediate and Total Military Withdrawal from IndoChina" and "Join The Nationwide Tribute In Action To Martin Luther King, Jr. March 28-April 4". Sign at the far right is a blakc and white photo of Martin Luther King, Jr. Across the bottom of the poster is the address and phone number for the People''s Coalition for Peace & Justice, the organization with more information on Spring Action.
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