
Wake Up!
Late 20th Early 21st Century
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"SFB P 5/94 CN" printed in black at the bottom left corner.

Poster has black ink printed on blue paper. In small text across the top is "Destiny Arts Center & San Francisco Bay Girl Scout Council". At the top of the poster on the left is "Wake Up! / Youth" with a figure jumping to the right and the word "On" in his body followed by "The / Move" at the far right. To the left of the figure is "A Dance, Martial Arts, / Self-Defense & Theater / Production / About Peace!" Below the figure and text is "Exploring Non-Violent Approaches To De-Escalating Violence / In Our Communities. On the bottom half of the poster is a peace symbol filled with a stylized image of a figure in a hood dropping a gun with a cloud of smoke from a joint (at the bottom right) to the right with an image of a funeral at a cemetary. Circling the border of the peace symbol on the outside is "De-Escalation Skills Training Inspiring Non-Violence In Youth". At the bottom left is the date (5/21), time, location and admission information. At the bottom center and right are the Destiny Arts Center and Girl Scout logos with phone numbers.
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