
We Support the Livermore Actions
22.75 in HIGH x 17.50 in WIDE
(57.78 cm HIGH x 44.45 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Lower right corner of drawing has: "cm rossi 85". Bottom right corner has GCUI union label with: "Local 280".

Top of poster has the text: "We Support / The Livermore / Actions". Below at center poster has a large drawing of a statue of a human figure, seated and draped in cloth the figure has its right arm raised with the index figure pointed up and its left arm extended straight out parallel to the ground. To the left of the figure poster has the text: "Nagasaki - Statue Of Peace, Peace Park / The bronze statue of peace by Kitamura / Seibo, cast in 1955, stands 10 meters high / near the epicenter of the area devastated / by the atomic bomb. A memorial to the / victims of the bomb. Its message is / clear... Never Again !". To the right of the statue is the text: "August 6-9, 1985 / - Blockade Livermore / Lab / - Occupy Site 300 Test / Area / A Happening!". Bottom edge of the poster has the text: "40th Anniversary Of The / Atomic Bombings Of Hiroshima And Nagasaki / Livermore Action Group". Verso has Livermore Action Group 1985 Summer calendar as well as photographs of various actions and a information about Livermore Action Group.
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