
"Gone with the Wind" : The Film to End All Films
c. 1981
24.25 in HIGH x 17.75 in WIDE
(61.59 cm HIGH x 45.08 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Left edge has: "All proceeds from this poster go to Friends of the Earth - 366 Smith St., Colling wood 3066 For poster orders ring FOE bookshop on 419 8700.". Lower right corner has Circular logo with the letters: F, O, E and a small bird.

Poster has a white background and a blue border. The body of the poster has a photomontage in blue, red, and white, of a male figure holding a female figure in his arms, one arm under her shoulders and the other under her knees, in the distance behind the two figures there is a mushroom cloud. The poster reads from top to bottom: "The Film to End All Films / The most Explosive / love story ever / Milton Freidman in association with Pentagon Productions presents / 'Gone With / The Wind' / Screenplay By / Kid Joseph / Directed By / Hank Kissinger / Music By / Eddy Heath / Winner / of Ten / Academy / Awards / She promised to follow him to the end of the earth. / He promised to organise it! / An IMF Picture Right Rank Inc / Featuring / The New / Neutron / Bomb / Now showing world-wide/ Starring Ronnie Reagan Maggie Thatcher Co-Starring Mal Fraser Al Haig Caspar Weinberger Piggy Muldoon". Margaret "Maggie" Thatcher was the conservative Prime Minister of England 1979-1990 and Ronald Reagan was U.S. president 1981-1989. Both supported aggressive military positions. [LMC]
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