
Saddam Husayn Al-Tikriti : Captured On December 13, 2003
17.00 in HIGH x 11.00 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Lower right corner has: "Copyright (c) FBJN-terprise, Inc.".

Background of poster is a hazy, red, American flag motif. Top of poster has the text: "The end of / 'a dark and painful era'. / -George W. Bush / President of the United States of America". Below the poster has images of two playing cards. At left is an ace of spades with a photograph of Saddam Husayn at center. Over top of the photograph in red is the text: "Wanted", below the photograph is the text: "Saddam Husayn Al-Tikriti / President". The card at right is a Joker with a different photograph of a more gaunt and disheveled Saddam Husayn at its center with the red text: "Captured" over top of it, below the photo is the text: "Saddam Husayn Al-Tikriti / President". The bottom of the poster has the text: "Saddam Husayn Al-Tikriti / Captured On / December 13, 2003". The lower left corner has a bar code. After the 2003 invasion of Iraq, the U.S. military produced a deck of playing cards to help troops identify the most-wanted members of President Saddam Hussein's government. [LMC]
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