
Fighting Back: a beneift for the Lynne Steward Defense Committee
11.00 in HIGH x 17.00 in WIDE
(27.94 cm HIGH x 43.18 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom center edge has a small union label for Allied #147 Inkworks.

Poster has a dark blue background with white and red text. Along the right edge is an image of a guard tower with barbed wire and a United States Flag. Below are small protest signs with "for info: 415-255-1085 or freemumia.org." The poster reads, "a benefit for the Lynne Stewart Defense Committee & the Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal- presenting: Fighting Back No one shall be tortured, falsely imprisoned, or denied basic democratic rights/ Lynne Stewart/ New York civil rights attorney for political prisoners and the oppresed; falsely convicted of conspiracy to aid and abet terrorism/ Michael Ratner/ President, Center for Constitutional Rights; author "Guatanamo: What the World Should Know," Abu-Gahrib and Guantanamo detainee legal counsel; iniated landmark war crimes/ torture lawsuit in Germany against Donald Rumsfeld & Alberto Gonzales./ Jeff Mackler/ Pam Africa/ Barbara Lubin/ In Berkeley: Saturday Feburary 24, 2007 7:30 PM Martin Luther King Middle School/ In San Francisco" Friday February, 23, 2007 7:30 pm Women's Bldg." Below is ticket information and reception information.
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