
The Day Afer the Jury's Verdict...Try the Government in the Streets
16.88 in HIGH x 12.38 in WIDE
(42.86 cm HIGH x 31.43 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a stylized drawing of a noose and splatter marks overall. The poster has the text: "T.D.A. / The Day After / The Jury's Verdict... / 4 P.M. / Telegraph / avenue / ...Try The Government / in The Streets... / ...and if at First / You don't Succeed, / Try, Try, again !". This poster was for a demonstration in anticipation of the conviction of Chicago Seven defendants, indicted for conspiracy in planning protests during the August 1968 Democratic Party convention in Chicago. The verdicts were handed down February 18, 1970; the jury found five of the seven defendants guilty of violating the Anti-Riot Act of 1968. Defendants Froines and Weiner are acquitted. [LMC]
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