
untitled (shepherd and sheep)
Late 20th Early 21st Century
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"Roolim" printed at the bottom left of the image. "Published By / Solidarity Bookshop / c/o I.W.W. / 2440 N. Lincoln / Chi., Ill., 60614" printed at the bottom left. "Printed By / Black Graphics / Yellow Springs, Ohio" with a union label, printed at the bottom right.

Poster has black and blue ink printed on white paper. At the top is a stylized image of a flock of sheep gathered around a man in black and a sign with three "cruel laws" for the sheep. Text explains that the shepherd had to be replaced because the sheep became unmanageable. The new shepherd offered a charter of freedom that encouraged loyalty and approval from the sheep.
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