
Anarchist bookfair
17 in HIGH x 11 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Along the bottom edge is "Artwork by Hugh D''Andrade www.hughillustration.com, Printed on Elemental Cholorine-Free paper 30% PCW, 50% recycled" and a union label for Allied Printing 147 Inkworks Press.

Poster consists of red, black and blue print on a yellow-green background. Image in the center depicts 3 police officers standing shoulder to shoulder; the left officer has a baton on his shoulder, the middle officer holds a book with an anarchist symbol on it and the officer on the right is pointing at the book. The text includes event and speaker information and "Bound Together Books presents the 11th Annual Bay Area / Anarchist / Bookfair / Saturday, March 18, 2006...San Francisco County Fair Building."
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