
Artist Rights Today: ART
20.50 in HIGH x 15.25 in WIDE
(52.07 cm HIGH x 38.73 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom edge has "(c) 1986 Moscoso Griffin kelley Wes Wilson S. Mouse" printed in red.

Poster has a blue and red striped background with a silver image and text and red text along the sides. In the center is a drawing of a lion in armor holding a large fountain pen and a shield. The shield has "1986 Kelley Wilson Mouse Griffin Moscos" in the design. The top reads, "Artist Rights Today ART." The left side reads, 'Presents Zulu Spear, Sal Valentino, Scott Matthews, John Blakeley, Annie Sampson, and introducing Shy Hands, Sun 8PM Dec 7 10.Donation." The right side reads, "Maria Muldaur, Archie Williams, Mark Little, Jimmy Preston, Eje Mike Jacobs, Jenny Muldaur, In dance concert at The Stone 412 Broadway San Francisco."
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