
Escuela de Arte del Museo del Barrio
19.88 in HIGH x 16.00 in WIDE
(50.48 cm HIGH x 40.64 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster has a black background. The center of the poster has a large white area that tapers slightly at top. The white area has three black and white photos: top left photograph shows a room full of students with easels and a skeleton, top right photograph shows a dramatic performance, bottom center shows a man seated working on an object with his hands and two boys in the background. Text along the left edge of the white area reads: "Info 831-7376 - Fall - Oto?o 1981 - Drawing .Painting .Pintura". Text along the right edge of the white area reads: "Fotografia . Photography . Teatro . Theater - Pimavera - Spring . 1982" The bottom of the poster has text in white: "Escuela de Arte del Museo del Barrio / School of Art of el Musel del Barrio / 175 East 104 Street New York, New York 10029 / Escuela De Arte Del Museo Del Barrio Is Made Possible Through The Support Of The National / Endowment For The Arts, Expansion Arts Program And The New York State Council Of The Arts.".
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