
Live From Death Row for Mumia Abu Jamal
Late 20th - Early 21st Century
16.50 in HIGH x 21.75 in WIDE
(41.91 cm HIGH x 55.24 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"Bob Baldock/95 Printing by Alliance Graphics" printed vertically at bottom left.

Poster printed with red, orange, brown, and tan ink on white paper. A black printed background fills the majority of the page with white paper showing around the edges. "Governor Signs Death Warrant" is printed in red font in the paper margin along the top of the page. A stylized portrait of Mumia Abu-Jamal appears left of center and is surrounded by white, orange, and red text. Large font at top reads, "Live From Death Row / For Mumia Abu Jamal." Under the heading "Join" is a list of 16 participants on the left side of Mumia's portrait. The right side of the page contains quotes from Alice Walker and William Kunstler in addition to noting the date of Sunday June 25 at King Junior High School in North Berkeley. Additional event information is printed at lower right and in an orange horizontal band across the bottom of the page.
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