
The Full Story
Late 20th - Early 21st Century
23.00 in HIGH x 17.50 in WIDE
(58.42 cm HIGH x 44.45 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

"Friends of Stephen Bingham," two phone numbers, and an address in Palo Alto, California are printed across the bottom edge.

Poster printed with black, orange, pink, and yellow ink on white paper. The page has a pink background with a pattern of broken horizontal orange lines that extend over the central image of a poster-within-a-poster. The poster image shows a man's portrait on a black background who is surrounded by orange, white, and gray newspaper clippings. The upper left corner of this poster is torn off and contains the text, "Bingham: not guilty." "The Full Story" is printed along the bottom of the page in large font.
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