
The Promise Of America
13.38 in HIGH x 23.50 in WIDE
(33.97 cm HIGH x 59.69 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Bottom right reads, "A Photo Essay by Totoy Rocamora/ Images from El Salvador, the Philippines, Mexico and the United States/ Mari Nakamura Design/ Produced by the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights/ 310 Eighth Street, Suite 307 - Oakalnd, CA 94607 - (415) 465-1984." Bottom right also has a union stamp for Inkworks.

Poster has a gray background with black and white text. There are a series of photographs, the first three being of a group of people standing next to a bus with a soldier carrying a rifle, a makeshift shelter along a dirt road, and two children wearing dirty clothing. The central image is of a shirtless boy holding a poster of a family with the title, "America," at the top. The three photographs along the right side are of people sifting through garbage, a woman carrying a child, and a group of people surrounding a car with buildings in the background. The poster reads, "The Promise of America," at the top. Toward the bottom left, text reads, "We are not strangers to this land of miracles and misery. From our enslaved African ancestors to the new immigrants arriving from their ravaged homelands, it is through our toil that she is rich, it is through our humility that she is proud, it is through our endurance that she is confidant, it is through our heart that she is spirited. We are the promise of Ameica."
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