
We Support Our Troops: Zapatista Army of National Liberation
1994- 2010
17.00 in HIGH x 11.00 in WIDE
(43.18 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster is printed on white paper with text and image sin black and white. The poster has a stylized drawing overall. The drawing has four masked figures, with bandoliers standing in a jungle. The figures at center and right are each holding a rifle, the figure at right is crouching. There are two figures at left one is holding a large wrench into the air. The top of the drawing is overlaid with the text; "We Support Our Troops and a stylized ribbon with: "EZLN". The bottom of the drawing is overlaid with the text: "Join The Insurgent Forces Of The / Zapatisota Army Of National Liberation / If You Want To See The Face Behind The Mask, It's Very Simple. Just Look In The Mirror." and a field of white.
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