
Zapata Vive La Lucha Sigue
Late 20th - Early 21st Century
16.88 in HIGH x 11.00 in WIDE
(42.86 cm HIGH x 27.94 cm WIDE)
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.

Poster is printed on white paper. Poster has several rectilinear fields in green and purple. The top of the poster has a field of purple with text in white: "Frente Zapatista / De Liberacion Nacional". The center of the poster at left has a green field with text in white: " '...Nosotros Somos / Indigenas Mexicanos. / Los Mas Peque?os, / Pero Los mas Primeros; / Los Mas Olvidados, / Pero Los mas Decidados; / Los mas Depreciados, / Pero Los Mas Dignos. / Nosotros Somos Los Hombres / Y Las Mujeres Verdaderos, / Los Due?os De Las Tierras, / De Estas Aguas / Y De Nuestros Corazones. / No Viviremos Mas De Rodillas...' / CCRI-CG Del EZLN". The center of the poster at right has a stylized black and white drawing of a male figure in a wide brimmed hat with bandoliers across his chest holding a rifle. The bottom of the poster has a field of purple with text in white: "Zapata Vive La / Lucha Sigue".
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