
Untitled (Red Line #56, Oct. 1969)
60 in HIGH x 60 in WIDE
(152.40 cm HIGH x 152.40 cm WIDE)
Gift of Mrs. Elizabeth Ross

Verso TL: Lorser Feitelson/"UNTITLED"/(60" x 60"/ACRYLIC/OCT-1969) TR: LORSER FEITELSON/"UNTITLED"/60" Xli0"/(OCT. 1969/ACRYLIC)
TOM. 10 x 10. 1979. Vice President Mondale's Home. 1980. San Jose Museum of Art, "For Arts Sake," Jul 10 - Sep, 1987.

This is an acrylic painting on canvas that shows a minimalist composition of a narrow red "ribbon" painted on the canvas from top to bottom center against a white background. The ribbon curves in an elongated C shape and appears to twist above and below center.

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