
crazy-quilt. Description: hand-made, velvets and brocades, embroidered. circa 1820-1842. History: The quilt was made by Mrs. Terry's great grandmother Eliza Dana Fearing -- born 1802 in Merietta, Ohio --married there in 1824 -- died in 1872. Mrs. Terry's ancestors were with the Ohio Co. which settled ohio. Mrs. Terry's mother and father were Mr. and Mrs. Hewey Morris who settled in Oakland in 1909. Her mother belonged to the Colonial Dames chapter in San Francisco. (Inez Brooks-Myers 3/96) Not made c. 1820-1842 as originally catalogued, probably made c.1885-1895. Many ribbons included in the quilt. Several spider webs, as well as small flowers embriodered on surface. Backed with pieced fabrics in stripes.

Used: bedding

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